The train; the train. I'm unsure if I should be positive or negative about our train experience. Like I said, we were in different compartments; which would have made it marginally better. Positive: no wasted day for travel, kinda; and slightly cheaper than a hotel. Negatives; its a train, use your imagination: rocking cars, whistles, small thin bed, and did I say the rocking and whistles? Was not terrible, but certainly was not a hotel.
We were woke, or at least cued by the train lady about 6:30 AM; about an hour before our scheduled arrival. Mom snored a lot as did Tim and Dad so I am guess the 3 Brits that shared cabins with us were happy they had survived the night; I know I was.
Krakow station was the most modern we had seen; perhaps for the 2016 Youth day celebrations. We made our way to the street and walked south to our apartment. After the short walk we arrived to the Kazimierz District; just south of the formally walled city.

Our renter was awesome, on time and ready for us. He gave s a tour of the awesome renovated little apartment which is the nicest we have had; not to mention most cost effective; awesome, awesome, awesome.

Located directly inside the Jewish quarter, a popular off-beat tourist area; there are many amazing choices for both fast food and sit down dinners.

After a quick break, we walked to Wawel Royal Castle and onward to the Old Town square. Right befire we took a quick stop at an amazing church. We bought some snacks including barbecued cheese, bread with rendered pork fat, pickles and a couple beer. We devoured our grub enjoyed people watching.

Walking around a bit more, we opted for a little pub just outside the downtown, Pod Wawelem, which we procured a couple 1 litre beers for about $5 Cdn; Tim and Mom preferred the 1/2 litre.

Tired after a long night's travel, we decided to get some ''take-out' of sausages and fries for the room. We watched Schindler's List and a couple educational videos on the Krakow ghetto. Tim called it a night early while the rest of us enjoyed The Boy in Stripped Pyjamas’s. Fitting for the war setting of Krakow, Poland.