On the move again, exciting but also a bit of stress; no problem. We packed up and Tim made a 'last supper soup' for breakfast. Although it sounds like crap (and Mom thought there was everything other than the kitchen sink) it was delicious. Simple when it hit the bowl, but the broth was soothing; chicken soup for the travelling soul.
We set out for the train station; no our train was not leaving for the better part of 10 hours, but we would drop our luggage before we set out for the day. Sounded like a good plan, but it was the start of a 25 Km walk; just another day in Budapest.
Luggage secure (pro tip is www.seat61.com), we set out for the Buda hill Labyrinths. Although we totally failed our day by leaving everything in our luggage (including but not only the camera) we made the best of the day. We stopped at a familiar park for lunch; caviar, cheese and delicious traditional sausage with crackers and bread. Maybe a beverage; funk cheese for Tim.

After an unplanned climb to the Buda Hill, Thanks Kim, we arrived to the Labyrinths. Not only a couple hundred feet climb, but at least 70 foot decent into the site. We received excellent discounts getting in and Tim was sceptical; but, it was indeed an unique experience.

Not only was Dracula impassioned and buried here, there was a lot of underground life withing these catacombs. It was cold, most and creepy. We made our way through a pitch black maze (with obnoxious people with cell phones) and wondered the foggy tomb Dracula. We were all feeling like it was a creep show.

We assented back to a beautiful back ally garden, walked around the ruins of long forgotten buildings and made our way past the National Gallery. We joked as we went with other English tourists about the steep climb they were about to do; don't drop your ice cream!

Although it was not along our way, we made one last stop at the City Market to spend the last of our Hungarian money. Found some excellent secret hiding place boxes and spices.

We got back to the train station and although we had no more local currency we were able to secure an incredible Turkish meal; one of the best meals so far and less than $20.

After procuring some travel snacks, refreshments, we set off for our night train. Although Tim sceptically bought the tickets, it was at least marginally comfortably. My only wish would have to have all been in the same compartment (internet site only allowed booking by sex, not family). I'll save the details of that ride for tomorrow.