Sept. 18th 2019
We’ve been so used to dilly dallying, that we can’t find a reason to cycle any faster than 20- 30 km a day. That is less than what I rode daily at home on my way to work, plus I took power yoga and inferno Pilates classes ever day as well.
I’ve been feeling blissfully lazy, bathing in the comfort of our hosts and beautiful surroundings. The Atlantic Tropical Rainforest
has a grip on us and there is no other reason than slowly crawling along between the ocean and the forests enjoying the gifts it has to give: Waterfalls, beaches, villages, bakeries, tropical plants/forests, ferries, boats, ice cream, chocolate, swimming holes
amazing food, teeth cleaning, poker games
and most importantly welcoming, interesting and fun hosts who seem to honestly enjoy our company
The sun hasn’t been out to greet us for days now and it doesn’t even bother me ...much.....The temperatures are reasonable and the sunny greetings of the locals, who integrate us into their daily lives every step we take, is intoxicating and we basically stumble around like drunk, making little headway. And?: who is counting? São Paulo is not going away any time soon (on a negative note though, when I look/listen at/to the news, I believe human kind could be extinct sooner than later...not in our live time? Ya, right!) ..and Africa isn’t either!
The closer we get to the big metropolitan area of this big city of São Paulo the more I feel like we have tons to do for the next jump over the puddle, but right now and right here we are still far enough away (360km) that I don’t quite feel the pull. When that magnet starts pulling I’ll jump in the saddle soon enough and get excited -I know - and until then we are going to keep that goofy pace.