Yesterday's "down" is making room for a better feeling triggered by the astonishing views surrounding us today on the ferry ride from Hornopiren to Caleta Gonzalo sitting in the summer sun of southern Chile gently rocking, feeling safe and content. Biting, buzzing horseflies? What horseflies? Am I really that unstable?
In my mind I take the birds view or maybe even a higher view from a place where I can see the end of South America and the beginning of the South Pole and the place I am right now in relation to it all. I don't really want to give up and then again is it really such a big deal to make it to Ushuaia? It's not even that beautiful down there I heard! There is something to be said about setting a goal and reaching it, even if there is no other good reason??!!!!
Between wanting to go home and continuing to Ushuaia the scale is balanced, tipping to one side or the other every once in a while. This is not entirely new and while it has tipped to the home going side I keep on going.....