I should be cleaning/eating/packing/sleeping or something more useful but I wanted to sit down for 5 mins and write! I leave this afternoon, first to to Toronto and then from there straight to Warsaw (night flight). I bought the tickets separately because that way I saved quite a bit of money! I was at work until almost 6pm yesterday and its been only hectic since then! Flying days are the craziest!
So I've been asked a lot these past couple of weeks if I am getting excited for the trip. I have had a hard time answering that question because I have been so busy that my brain can't seem to process everything. I haven't even had a second to sit down and take it all in in the past couple of months. I am still waiting for the moment of clarity-- preferably sitting in a cafe in Poland with a great espresso in my hand-- that is how I pictured that moment :P
Once I am on the flight to Poland tonight I might suddenly decompress all at once and realize what I am doing. Or it won't hit me until its Monday afternoon in Poland and I realize that I am not at work anymore. I don't know when this moment will occur, but it has definitely not happened yet so I am still waiting for that "aha" feeling.
Another important thing I really need to do this week is make a list of goals and ideas for the year. Some general, some more specific....i've started the draft but it has a long way to go. I really want to stick to a game plan and really make this year mean something. It's easy to get lost in the excitement of a 'year off' but that is not the point of this journey. This is something I have wanted for so long and I have really taken a 'now or never' approach to it because we just don't know where life will throw us and this is one regret I do not want to have. If I stick to a game plan of goals and ideas for the year I know we will come out of this experience that much richer.
Back to packing and cleaning etc.! I really need to make this flight!
Carpe Diem! It really feels like it today! :)