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There are [0] photos and [10] stories tagged with "sightseeing".

Istanbul - Day 4 - A lesson in Byzantine Constantinople

TURKEY | Friday, 13 Jul 2012 | Views [1212]

Just as Istanbul is built on two different continents, it's history is dominated by the two great empires of Byzantine and Ottoman. Having spent the last two days exploring Ottoman themed tours, today I'll take in some Byzantine history. Actually, ... Read more >

Tags: bazaar, byzantine, constantine, grand, istanbul university, istandbul, sightseeing, turkey, walking tour

Istanbul - Day 3 - 19th Century Istanbul

TURKEY | Thursday, 12 Jul 2012 | Views [1039]

Today, I'll do a walking tour of some sights related to the later Ottoman period. Staring the tour with a tram ride to Eminonu, the last stop before Galata Bridge. I decided to walk across the upper level on the way over, so that I could walk on ... Read more >

Tags: galata, istanbul, scams, sightseeing, tower, turkey, unesco, walking tour

Istanbul - Day 2 - Ottoman Istanbul

TURKEY | Wednesday, 11 Jul 2012 | Views [684]

Today, I have to walk 10 minutes just to get my breakfast, due to the botch up of day 1 where I'm not at the hotel I booked. I also have to carry my stuff with me as I was going to insist the hotel give me another room, which they do. It seems good ... Read more >

Tags: blue mosque, haghia sophia, istanbul, palace, sightseeing, turkey, unesco, walking tour

Krakow, Auschwitz and Wieliczka

POLAND | Monday, 9 Jul 2012 | Views [995]

It was a very short two and a half days in Warsaw when I decided to move on to Krakow. In the evening I got a train ticket from Warsaw Central and had a look at the area around station. Everything around here has dual signs in Polish and English, thanks ... Read more >

Tags: auschwitz, holocaust, krakow, old town, poland, sightseeing, wieliczka, ww2


POLAND | Saturday, 7 Jul 2012 | Views [866]

A very confusing thing about the naming of train stations in Poland is the use of the word Central. Warsaw Central for example does not actually denote the terminal station in Warsaw. It's name means a train station in central Warsaw, which was clearly ... Read more >

Tags: old town, poland, sightseeing, warsaw, ww2


FINLAND | Thursday, 5 Jul 2012 | Views [1343]

I'd decided to take an 16 hour ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki. It did feel like I'd be losing a day just to travel. This would be the first time I've ever travelled overnight on a ship. Which was why I got one that would arrive in the morning so ... Read more >

Tags: finland, fort, helsinki, sightseeing, suomenlinna, walking tour


SWEDEN | Monday, 2 Jul 2012 | Views [674]

Having walked for 15 minutes in the pouring rain to Oslo S, I'm glad to finally get under some shelter and looking forward to sitting on the train to Stockholm for the next 6 hours. As with everywhere else in Scandinavia, a ticket and a seat reservation ... Read more >

Tags: old town, sightseeing, stockholm, sweden


NORWAY | Friday, 29 Jun 2012 | Views [1594]

Day 1 A short 1 hour flight from Copenhagen and we land in Oslo at 1130, where I get a train direct to Oslo S(Central). At the ticket machines, I get my ticket and it reminds me to "validate" the ticket before getting on board. There are ... Read more >

Tags: akershus, art, castle, munch, norway, oslo, rain, sightseeing

Walking in Copenhagen

DENMARK | Wednesday, 27 Jun 2012 | Views [2727]

Day 1 Although I only live 20 minutes drive from Glasgow airport, my 0700 flight meant I had to get up at 0515. So it's 0600 and I'm waiting for my flight to my first stop on the blitz through Nordic countries. My flight is on a small plane. It's ... Read more >

Tags: copenhagen, denmark, roskilde, sightseeing, unesco, walking tour

Singapore, The God of Mall Things

SINGAPORE | Monday, 7 May 2012 | Views [978]

I arrived about mid-morning after a short hop from Penang airport. With roughly 2 days in Singapore, I figure there's no need to take a taxi and rush to my hotel. Singapore is a small place, but it still took 1 hour on the MRT to my hotel in Chinatown.... Read more >

Tags: chinatown, little india, sightseeing, singapore

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