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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "bucharest".

Budapest - Day 1 - All around Andrássy Avenue

HUNGARY | Wednesday, 8 Aug 2012 | Views [498]

My train to Budapest doesn't leave till 1735. I've pack my bags, but am compelled to stay in Bucharest for another half day until the the train leaves. It's the third day of a heatwave in Romania. It hasn't quite hit the high of 41c of yesterday, only ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, budapest, hungary, unesco


ROMANIA | Tuesday, 7 Aug 2012 | Views [926]

There's aren't many ways to get off an island. In milleniums gone past, we might have done it the manly way by usig a raft. Risks included such activities as going for a prolonged swim,  partaking in a fish supper or discover Skull Island. The island ... Read more >

Tags: bucharest, romania

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