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European Escapades 8 weeks in Europe, get set for adventure...

2012/02 My Broadway premiere...

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 13 Jun 2012 | Views [219]

Wednesday 13 June Woke up flicked on the TV and checked the weather on the today show, clearing showers, decided my first stop would be Magnolia Bakery for a hot coffee and a warm muffin. Trotted over to Times Square and sat eating my breaky ... Read more >

Tags: broadway, brooklyn bridge, manhattan, strand book store

2012/01 SYD - LAX - JFK

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 12 Jun 2012 | Views [157]

Tuesday June 12 Totally spoilt was chauffered to the airport by my lovely boyfriend, who unfortunately couldn't join me on the trip. Set out across the pacific for my longest single leg flight to date... Thank you science for inventing noise cancelling ... Read more >

2008/03 Dublin, Dublin, Dublin...

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 30 Jan 2011 | Views [275]

Wednesday 06/08 Arrived in Bournemouth, caught the airbus to town and found my hotel. How exciting: TV & a real bed after camping for 5 nights! All the while smiling, ran some laundry through then headed into town. The coast at Bournemouth is east ... Read more >

Tags: beach, dublin

2008/02 France to The Channel Islands...

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 27 Jan 2011 | Views [993]

Friday 01/08 After breakfast, cab to Dinard airport for our flight to Alderney. We were counting the minutes, walked into the check in hall just as the lady started to page us. We turned around and waved here we are! Vicki asked if it was a full flight ... Read more >

Tags: alderney week, camping, island

Photos: Europe 2008

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 27 Jan 2011 | Photo Gallery

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2008/01 Sydney to France...

FRANCE | Thursday, 27 Jan 2011 | Views [523]

Monday 28/07 Departure day! Set out from home at 4.45am, on the train to Sydney's Kingsford Smith International airport arriving to check in, then headed straight for coffee! Flying Korean Airlines, we had been tipped to expect delays, so were not ... Read more >

Tags: beach, french cuisine, train journeys, vineyards, wine tasting

2005/02 London to Paris...

FRANCE | Tuesday, 25 Jan 2011 | Views [175]

Saturday 22/01 Train from Charing Cross station to Dover, then ferry crossing to Calais, more stamps in the passport and first foreign language country... here we go! Train to Lille then transfered to TGV & onward to Paris. Had booked a little ... Read more >

Tags: le louvre, paris, tgv

2005/01 Sydney to London

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 25 Jan 2011 | Views [252]

Tuesday 18/01/2005 Woohoo! time to head to the airport, first ever overseas adventure! So excited! Friends drove us to the airport, & joined us for dinner before we said our goodbyes and passed through customs. Flight was delayed and we only just ... Read more >

About lissa_05

Sally Gap, Ireland

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