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Bill's Big Trip "Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for. Imagine all the people living life in peace. Imagine all the people sharing all the world. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one." John Lennon


USA | Wednesday, 21 January 2015 | Views [548]

To tell l the truth, I've avoided writing this for about a week. Mostly because I know when I write this my trip will be over. I made it home to San Diego, unpacked my bags, settled in, saw friends and am now in Pittsburgh visiting family. I really can't explain my feelings. I'm happy to be home, happy to have done what I started out to do, but sad that it is over.  A wonderful experience that will stay with me and hopefully make me a better person. Writing this blog has been a great way for me to document my travels. I value and appreciate your interest.  In spite of all the terrible things happening in the world, there are so many kind, generous and good people. It's an amazing world we live in, I'm ready to start thinking about my next trip.

Best wishes and happy travels, Bill



About lipowcan8

A quick recap. I visited 19 countries in 212 days, traveled 46,000 miles by air,15,000 miles by land and spent about $25,000. My feet got beat up a few times and I twisted my ankle a couple of times.  No plane, train, car, bus, tuk tuk or taxi mishaps, not even a fender bender. I wasn't threatened or harassed and amazingly enough I didn't lose anything. It's hard to believe seven months have passed. As I said in my first entry.....a wonderful way to celebrate 60 years of living. It sure was!

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