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where is laura? Live your questions now, and perhaps even without knowing it, you will live along some distant day into your answers. Rainer Maria Rilke


There are [0] photos and [11] stories tagged with "Adventures".

medio camino

MEXICO | Monday, 23 Jul 2007 | Views [1101]

Tomorrow we regroup for the midway evaluation, etc.... I don´t want to leave.. been here just over 2 weeks and already I feel (and about half of the participants)feel very integrated into the community. We have finished construting 12 family gardens, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


MEXICO | Wednesday, 4 Jul 2007 | Views [1124]

my new home for the next 6 weeks.. the group of participants arrived and we have been having orientation in a more central pueblo... tomorrow the groups will be defined and thurs we go again to the communities to spend a night with a family, each person ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

hasta agosto

MEXICO | Wednesday, 27 Jun 2007 | Views [1401] | Comments [1]

Well, where do I start. I'm already completely exhausted, overwhelmed, nervous, excited, etc etc and it's only "orientation." We've had 8 hour days of workshops ... conflict resolution, expectations, hopes, small group dynamics, political/social/economic ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


MEXICO | Sunday, 24 Jun 2007 | Views [1087]

I just returned from a very pleasant sidetrip to the northern tranquil, colonial towns of Queretaro and the much spoken about San Miguel de Allende. I had a lovely stay in Queretaro where I met up with a friend, and soon to be classmate at Temple, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, mexico, queretaro

Day 2

MEXICO | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2007 | Views [1203]

Let me start by saying, I'm very excited to have my own room tonight. I have been staying in a women's dorm with 8 beds, all of which were full the last 2 nights, but now are empty... hurrah. Today I took a trip to the southern neighborhood of Coyoacan, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

so much, and so little in southern bolivia

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 25 May 2006 | Views [1789]

(pictures will tell all that I left out.. coming soon) I left la  paz, as planned to take a tour of the salt flats (largest in the world) in southern bolivia. I made my way on bus to Oruru, about 4 hours, then got on my business class train car (since ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Machu Pichhu

PERU | Friday, 5 May 2006 | Views [2410] | Comments [3]

<p>Well, 2 months into my stay here in Cusco, I made it to Machu Pichhu. After much negotiation and delay, I arranged to go with a friend- guide (who I quickly learned is a much better friend than guide), and another girl, Chetana,  from the states.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

weekend in the sacred valley

PERU | Monday, 20 Mar 2006 | Views [1247] | Comments [1]

I left work early Friday afternoon to start me weekend in the Sacred Valley. The valley, as it is known includes the region to the north west of Cusco, starting at Pisac and ending at Machu Picchu (which I will do next weekend). It´s an area with a slightly ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


ECUADOR | Thursday, 2 Feb 2006 | Views [1454] | Comments [1]

Cuenca is beautiful. The most beautiful city in Ecuador, I would venture to say. Very well maintained colonial buildings, situated in an easy to walk downtown... the river seperates the old city from the newer section. Redtiled roofs, cobblestone streets.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

out of QUito, into the jungle

ECUADOR | Monday, 30 Jan 2006 | Views [2772] | Comments [2]

Well, this is the second attempt to compose this entry (first time the computer crashed before I was able to save), so it´s going to be abbreviated... --finally leave Tena, show up at the Terminal 7am, no joke 5 minutes later we are on a direct bus ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

spanish classes continue on the coast, new years week

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 4 Jan 2006 | Views [1320] | Comments [3]

Still recuperating from new years week at the beach. I left last Sunday night, taking the all night, 8 hour bus ride from Quito to Guayaquil (the largest city in ecuador) with my spanish teacher, Annabell, and my friend Atiya (lives in Germany, but she ... Read more >

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