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There are [0] photos and [29] stories about Vietnam

Personal Space A Non-Concept in Asia

Monday, 30 Jul 2007 | Views [15852]

One of the characteristics of America, that we've come to really miss over the past months in Asia, is having our personal space, and others respect the concept of personal space.  People in general here do not share the same priority that we place ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Two Days on a Junk

Monday, 30 Jul 2007 | Views [1603]

With our time limited to only a week now in Hanoi, we decide to forego the train and biking adventure up to Sapa, that would literally take us more time in travel time than actual adventure biking time.   Instead, we spend a couple of days on the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Someone Please Silence the Kem Man

Sunday, 29 Jul 2007 | Views [1209]

Hanoi is full of sounds, the streets are humming at a very early hour of the morning.  Communist propaganda blares from the megaphones strapped atop telephone poles.  It starts with singing and changing at 6:00 a.m.  The megaphone is prominently ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Hanoi: Capital of Copy Cat Scams

Saturday, 28 Jul 2007 | Views [4896]

Countries in Asia are known for their cheap mass production of fake goods.  We see it all around us:  shops lining the streets and market stalls with copy CD's, DVD's, and latest software prominently displayed.  Western brand name goods, logos purposefully ... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Land 'O Beers

Friday, 27 Jul 2007 | Views [955]

One aspect of Vietnam that was a pleasant surprise (especially for Darrin) is that beer ("bia" in Vietnamese) is plentiful and cheap throughout the country! The bottled varieties (like Saigon) were a decent deal at $0.50 to $0.70 cents ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Pig Disease: Do I Need a Doctor?

Thursday, 26 Jul 2007 | Views [1193]

We began hearing from some restaurants around Hoi An, that "pig is finished."  We were told it was "bad"... "pig is sick, like chickens used to be," they tell us.  We wondered, however, why some restaurants still serve pork ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Hotel Receptionist Cum Personal Groomer

Wednesday, 25 Jul 2007 | Views [1842]

The Asian fascination with our hairy western bodies continues to amuse us.  It's not just here in Vietnam, we've experienced it Laos on the local boat, the man rubbing Darrin's hairy leg, then exposing his smooth sleek leg to draw the comparison. Children ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Swimming with the Locals

Tuesday, 24 Jul 2007 | Views [900]

Our travels take us on board a motorbike that Darrin has hired for half day and we carefully make our way to the beach of Cu Dai, where we kick it under umbrellas in beach chairs sipping down beers and fruit smoothies.  The beach extends all the way north ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Clothing 2-Go

Tuesday, 24 Jul 2007 | Views [1050]

Hoi An is the custom clothing factory of Vietnam.  People come from all over the world with pictures and catalogs displaying the articles of designer clothing they want to have duplicated and tailor fit to their bodies.  Silk and fabric shops line the ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Sights & Scenes of Hoi An

Monday, 23 Jul 2007 | Views [1122]

Hoi An is a quaint, colorful town, full of character, culture and atmosphere.  Walking through the streets we find ourselves in a swirl of brilliant colors.  Vietnamese silk lanterns hang from shop windows and decorate the exterior of buildings.  Their ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Back Pack Commentary

Sunday, 22 Jul 2007 | Views [1058]

Every trip, on or off a bus, train, plane, or car is an ordeal.  We assemble our back pack straps, pulling them out of their big protective sacs for bus/plane ride protection, and load p for our usual peruse through town to find a spot to sleep.  Our ... Read more >

Tags: Packing & gadgets

Did Our Bus Driver Just Beat Up That Biker?

Sunday, 22 Jul 2007 | Views [1306]

We hop aboard our An Phu (pronounced by us as An "POO" for their quality of service and bus) to Hoi An.  It's a 12 hour overnight bus, and is supposed to be a nice, big, A/C coach with reclining seats.  What picks us up, instead, is similar ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Decadent Dining: Lobster on the Beach

Saturday, 21 Jul 2007 | Views [1206]

By 6:30 a.m. the sun is ablaze and I'm finding it difficult to breath on my early morning run.  We decide to kick it on the beach under the palapalas for the day, until we catch our overnight bus to Hoi An.  If you love seafood, Nha Trang is the place ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

We Could Be Their Parents

Friday, 20 Jul 2007 | Views [982]

Travelers along the way have told us, while in Nha Trang, the thing to do is take Mama Lin's Boat Cruise... the best value $5 USD will get you in all of Vietnam. We boarded our usual mode of transportation, a bus, at 8:00 a.m. and were happy to see ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Miami, Ocean Beach, Mission Beach, or Vietnam?

Thursday, 19 Jul 2007 | Views [1200]

We arrive Nha Trang mid-morning. Stepping off the bus, we could be in any major ocean resort town in the US. Big hotels and tall skinny mini-hotels line the streets. Beach huts, palapalas neatly line the beach front. Every third shop is a scuba ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Hanging with the Locals

Wednesday, 18 Jul 2007 | Views [1188]

The Peace Cafe is the hip spot in Dalat to socialize with the locals.  it's also a main meeting point for the Easy Riders.  We sped hours at the cafe over many beers, learning about how these Southern Vietnamese guys feel about the war, and how they feel ... Read more >

Tags: People

A Rope & Harness, 27M Waterfall, We Feel So Alive!

Tuesday, 17 Jul 2007 | Views [3918]

Dalat is an outdoor adventure sport enthusiasts dream.  The climate, the mountains, rugged landscape and spirit of the people have all come together to develop a great outdoor sporting infrastructure... so many cool things to do, so little time.  We chose ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Cruisin' With the Easy Riders

Monday, 16 Jul 2007 | Views [1151]

Our extended stay in Mui Ne from three to six days, to catch the wind for Darrin's kite boarding, sadly has come to an end without enough wind to get him onto the board.  But it has been well worth our time, we really have decompressed months of crazy ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Capitalist Dream

Sunday, 15 Jul 2007 | Views [837]

The most common question we get from locals is "where are you from."  When we say the "United States," they look a bit baffled, and then we say "America," their expressions acknowledge comprehension, and when we say "... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Saturday Night Out with Mr. Lee

Saturday, 14 Jul 2007 | Views [1244]

After three days on the beach with Mr. Lee, Darrin’s kite boarding instructor, we developed a friendship and he offered to take us out to some special local places that he reserves for adventurous western friends.  First stop was for "Bia" Vietnamese ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Yes Virginia, There is Surf in Vietnam!

Friday, 13 Jul 2007 | Views [1337]

I couldn't believe my ears... the sound of surf pounding the beach had woken me up.  As I so often do, I wake up, not completely remembering where we are - what country, what city, and oh, we're in a hotel?  I could have sworn I was waking up in the camper-... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Keep the Skin White at All Expense

Thursday, 12 Jul 2007 | Views [2919]

You certainly won't find us suiting up in jeans, socks with flip-flops, long-sleeve shirts, arms length gloves, jacket, rice hat and face mask in the extreme heat and humidity here in Vietnam.  This is a common outfit, among local women that we've seen ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

"You Slide?"

Wednesday, 11 Jul 2007 | Views [867]

"You slide, sir, miss?" yell the little voices of girls and boys all running to us and surrounding our motor bike as Darrin slams on the breaks to avoid hitting the mob of children holding blue sheets of plastic. We are at the famous white sand ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Mui Ne - Vietnam's Seaside Paradise

Tuesday, 10 Jul 2007 | Views [1963]

Mui Ne is an idyllic little beach community strung along a coast of fine white sand and turquoise waters. It reminds us a bit of Baja, Mexico. As we cruise the stretch of coastline, there are rolling hills, sand dunes, low lying shrubbery, palm trees ... Read more >

Tags: Budgets & money

Caveat Emptor: An Phu Travel Company

Monday, 9 Jul 2007 | Views [3078]

With so many open tour bus companies to choose from here, it would figure we booked our trip with the worst one.  Even after reading reviews and searching the internet, it must just be our luck with local transportation, to select the dud.  You get what ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

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