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Chasing the Wind A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. ~ Lao Tzu

Beau Fleuve

USA | Monday, 7 December 2009 | Views [710]

Of all the theories of how Buffalo got it's name, I like the one about Buffalo being a distorted French phrase meaning 'Beautiful River.'

We've been in Buffalo for six days now.  Every morning I wake up and the sky outside looks white and dreary.  It snowed a couple of times, but not too bad.  The worse of it was when we drove here from Pennsylvania and the rain more than anything made the roads unsafe.  I couldn't see the dividers and got honked at once because I wasn't in my lane.  I definitely was driving way below speed limit, especially when the next morning the roads looked like blocks of ice.  I'm from California--it all looks like ice.

The weather was actually pretty clear, but very cold, on Saturday.  My co-worker's aunt, with whom we are staying, drove us to Niagra Falls.  I had my passport, so I walked across Rainbow Bridge to visit Canada.  The Falls were not as expansive as I envisioned.  They were still beautiful, but in my mind's eye, and being fed by very specific camera angles from television and Superman II, I thought they would be bigger.  They are still very massive, and I was still impressed and in awe, so nothing was lost.  It didn't rain or snow, and didn't start getting breezy until we left, so all in all it was a successful site-seeing day.

The weekend was spent in movie theaters.  Saturday was 'Brothers', and Sunday was a double feature (we went to a cheap theater where older movies were only $3.50) of 'Julie & Julia' and then 'Law Abiding Citizen'.  When it's cold outside, there's nothing too much more I like to do than either be at the house and watch 'Friends' (my co-worker's aunt has the full set), at the movies, or at a coffeehouse.  The weekend was all about catching up with 'Friends.'  It would seem that I took over the TV, but even now Kris is sitting on the bed staring at the wall when she could turn the TV on if she wanted to, and I gave her all morning.  But yay because after this I'm putting it back on  =)  I do love 'Friends.' 

We are leaving Buffalo tomorrow.  We are getting out of this house since we've been occupying my co-worker's aunt and uncle's bed for the duration of our stay.  Another co-worker is in town so we are going be hanging out til tomorrow...doing what, I don't know.  We've already been to the Anchor Bar twice to get the original Buffalo wings (I could seriously have them every day).  This house is like a maze.  There are books stacked to fill in 3/4 of the living room along with some other things.  There are collections of DVDs and CDs piled up everywhere.  You cannot sit down mostly anywhere.  I've never seen so much packed into one house.  When we first got here, coming inside, I thought it was a guest house, just spare space, but it's not.  We had to come through the back door because the front door is blocked. 

In any case, it has been a good visit in Buffalo.  We are heading to Charleston tomorrow, then off to North Carolina.  I am migrating south to warmer weather.  And plus, you know, my company is making us do shows there ;)

Until next time, good night dear void.  17 days til I go home!



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