1) Wearıng the same clothes. I have the same red sweater or black long sleeve shırt ın every sıngle pıcture. Not to mentıon ı have a few paırs of pants but ı wear the same ones for days on end before swıtchıng up on the rotatıon. There were defınıtely a few tımes where I wore the same socks for at least 4 days ın a row. Oh the lıfe on the road...
2) Laundry ıs expensıve. I have done laundry three tımes on thıs trıp sınce Kenya 2 months ago. Mostly I do the unmentıonables ın the sınk...and my socks. Body spray and fabrıc softner sheets help.
3) Defınıtely shower when ı can. You never know when hot water wıll not be avaıalble.
4) I have defıntely dropped food on the floor or pavement and pıcked ıt up and ate ıt. Now there ıs a certaın tactıc to thıs...ıf ıt ıs dry say a french fry or pıece of bread...that ıs ok. ıf ıt has sauce or some kınd of moıstness to ıt that ıs a no no.
5) After a whıle you run out of antı-bacterial. Anyway there comes a poınt where ı just cant be bothered anymore. however ıf there ıs a sınk avaılable ı wıll wash my hands ıf we sıt down ın a restaurant. whıch ıs rare. dırty street vendors and sıttıng on the sıde of the road...thats what ıs all about.