I want to learn Arabic. It is everywhere, on every mosque. The Koran is aesthetically beautiful because of it. Arabic looks like music sounds and how poetry feels.
Back in a big city after two weeks of dead Grecian islands and small tourist towns. I really like Istanbul. At sunset, golden hour made the horizon of mosques and the sea so lovely. It made me hate every bit of those stupid two specks of Kenyan dust that shows up in every frame I take!
Today I found some new friends--two Malaysian Muslims and two Aussies--and together we visited Topkapi Palace. The place is beautiful. I saw a sword made and used by David, and a Turban that supposedly belonged to Joseph.
Tonight I had dinner in a room with three Japanese and four Turks, and an Aussie while three languages floated around. We had home cooked Japanese foods and I have eaten way way way too much for my own good (as always!). Now I am going to retire to my lonesome dorm and read myself to sleep as I slip into a wonderful food coma (nearly Thanksgiving-y).
Cheers and God bless.