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Turkey - India - Nepal - China...

how i decided to go to Pakistan

PAKISTAN | Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007 | Views [747] | Comments [1]

Sufism is the mystic way of Islam. I got introduced to it's magical music in Rajasthan, and I just fell in love with it.  I am actually also tired of India, and i wanted to find my next destination . I was thinking about Burma, China, Pakistan and ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Visiting India for almost 2 months

INDIA | Sunday, 25 Feb 2007 | Views [724]

In 2 months, it is very hard to cross such a continent! so i mainly visited Rajasthan, a state big like France. The west of Rajasthan is the desert forming the border between Pakistan and India. The landscape is sunburnt, dry, and quite desertic. ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Liva had to come home ...plans have changed

INDIA | Monday, 5 Feb 2007 | Views [735] | Comments [1]

After 3 months of intense travel, Liva has been feeling tired, physically, emotionnaly...she got really sick, spent some days in a hospital in India, and flew home .(Latvia) India is no easy to travel  . Life is a struggle in India, and all tourists ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Historical day in Nepal: Maoists are now in a official political party !

NEPAL | Friday, 29 Dec 2006 | Views [725] | Comments [1]

We arrived in Katmandu the very day before Maoists entered officially the government of Nepal.   Maoists arer revolution people. They would like to get rid of Nepal’s king, and let Nepal become a communist republic, as the dictator ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

A strange buddhist carnival in a village...

NEPAL | Thursday, 7 Dec 2006 | Views [800]

After the first two treks, we found a confortable place to stay for a couple of days. We wanted to rest before starting the last trek, and we understood that a village festival would happen a few days later. We waited for the celebration... It was the ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

The first 2 treks, Helambu - Gosainkund

NEPAL | Friday, 1 Dec 2006 | Views [1249]

It starts out of the suburbs of KTM. We went there with three different minibus (actually, mitsubishi vans). for the last one, i was on the roof with 10 other people...my first bus roof experience.. exciting!! Physically, the trek was was not that ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Trekking ! the way ...

NEPAL | Monday, 27 Nov 2006 | Views [824]

What is trek in Nepal ? walking many days on tracks in mountains, not meeting vehicules all the way, see and meet locals and their culture At first, we don't look for regions crowded with tourists. No Appurna for this time. Tourists are following ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Surprising Katmandu !

NEPAL | Saturday, 25 Nov 2006 | Views [802] | Comments [2]

We have spent now some time here in Katmandu. This town grew very fast during last 50 years (not so long time ago it was a village). According to the legend and archeology, there was a huge lake where is now Katmandu. It is so flat that we could wonder ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

On the road to Nepal

INDIA | Monday, 20 Nov 2006 | Views [797]

the night train to Gorahkpur (way to Nepal) was a sweet exprience. It was supposed to be 14h hours long but it was about 20h long. No worries, it was confortable. I slept very well. Then we took our first Indian bus. The driver was driving the bus as ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road


INDIA | Sunday, 19 Nov 2006 | Views [639]

The first day in India was very tough and full of scams. we fell in usual traps that indian visitors find on their way. Fake 'official tourism offices', lies about actual hotel prices, problem to find the REAL tourism office among thousands of fake ... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Bahrein airport - the Pakistanese Family

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 18 Nov 2006 | Views [988]

We flew to India through Bahrein. The airport of Bahrein was the first surprise. FatherS Christmas in plastic, everywhere, singing, smiling, dancing, welcoming us to this airport. It was like a remake of Christmas, as Disney World would have done it.... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Turkish Welcome and Hospitality

TURKEY | Friday, 17 Nov 2006 | Views [734] | Comments [2]

Welcome to a country between Middle East and Europe ! Welcome to a country where a taxi driver can propose to drive you for free, where a polıceman wıll just come to you and do the very best to explain you how to fınd your way. Here the tradition is ... Read more >

Tags: People

Moon Cities in Cappadoccia

TURKEY | Wednesday, 15 Nov 2006 | Views [676]

We visited one of the most attractive area of Turkey. The region of Cappadoccia. The landscape looks unreal, sometimes like some science fiction design. The geology is very special. Canyons, hills, mountains, valleys, and Hundreds of little holes in ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Gallery: Turkey

TURKEY | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 178 photos >>

passing the internet cafe with the horse

TURKEY | Sunday, 12 Nov 2006 | Views [904]

After having a look at the coast and the beautiful sea, we visited Konya, and hitch hiked to a place called Sultanhani. at the time of the silk road, there was Karavanserais: big places, every 20 km, where people used to stop and rest 3 days, for free.... Read more >

Tags: People

Turquoise color

TURKEY | Friday, 10 Nov 2006 | Views [721]

The first hitch hiking experience convinced us. After 3 min, a truch stop and give us a 200 km long lift, to Antalya, the hotest town of the country. We stoped before to explore a mountain. A huge area of hidden ruins was hidden in this deep forest.... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

the paradise of the Hitch hiker (autostop)

TURKEY | Wednesday, 8 Nov 2006 | Views [829]

After Denizli, Pammukkale and Hieropolis, we finally started to hitch hike !! as soon as we started to hitch hike, we experienced some incredible things ... sometimes you don't need to show your thumb. Just walk along the road wıth your back pack, ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Geological curiosity

TURKEY | Tuesday, 7 Nov 2006 | Views [629]

We arrived in the town of Denizli to visit something really astonishing: Pammukkale & Hieropolis . İt's a major touristıc site in Turkey. At first, we met the family who hosted us for 2 nights. The father could speak good english so we spent ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Izmir and Efesus

TURKEY | Monday, 6 Nov 2006 | Views [767]

We arrived by night bus in Izmir, west coast. The night bus is luxuous, the young waiter gıve us hot tea and coffee all over the night ! Tea is generally offered for any occasion. Waıting on somethıng or someone, a bus, or just as a frıendly time ... Read more >

Tags: People

Istanbul, the 3 first days

TURKEY | Sunday, 5 Nov 2006 | Views [639] | Comments [1]

It was rainıng and then snowing ! Its a huge and busy city with a foot on European continent and another foot on Asian continent. The fırst attractive sides were the mosque, these magnificient buildings wıth their singing minarets calling to prayer ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

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