Last time we were here, I would find different drawings on the beach each morning, tide allowing, near the Yacht Club. Last week I spotted another one. However, the tide had started to come in and it had partially washed away the day's design. Then there were several days of high tides so it would have been impossible to “paint” in that area. Today, though, the tide was perfect and we happened to be in town. So, I decided to take a peek. And voila! Not only was there a new painting”, but it was being completed by the phantom artist!!! It's a woman and all she uses are two tools – a long thin stick with a sharp point and a small rake with five sharp prongs.
Needless to say, many people were fascinated with her masterpiece and they were taking photos like crazy. I felt special because I had seen her work several times before. Sometimes she uses the stones in the sand as part of her design and yesterday there was a sailboat in the general area where she usually paints so she just incorporated the boat into her design. When I saw it yesterday, I wasn't sure it was her work or not but it obviously was. She didn't have a camera with her. So, her art lives on in the photos taken by others!
Extra Photos in Gallery