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Europe 2017

Adieu Deauville

FRANCE | Monday, 11 July 2016 | Views [637]

It is hard to believe that we have been here for all most four weeks! We have done and seen so much. I will miss the great walks around Deauville. There are so many different paths to choose from. After dinner we usually walk through the marina over a movable foot bridge which allows ships to leave the marina for the Channel. The beach is to our right and promptly at 7 p.m. When the lifeguards go off duty, horseback riders appear and other people are catching the last rays of sun. (Remember it is still light here until 10 p.m. ) Next to the stables there is a field with an unused tennis court and the place is inhabited by dozens of rabbits! It is hysterical watching peoples' reactions when they see them hopping all over the place. There is also a well-known restaurant, on a boat, very close by and Ed and I are waiting to see “Fresh Lapin” on the menu! Docked nearby there is also a Chambre d'Hote. The large boat (peniche) is very popular. Last evening guests were having cocktails on the top deck.

In the morning, on a nice day, we usually walk into town for our baguette and meander through the local market to select fresh fruit. There are flowers everywhere and as I've stated before the architecture is really interesting and elegant. The upscale shops keep their windows intriguing with different displays so the walks are always interesting.

We leave for Brittany and we will be traveling 5 hours west.


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