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For The Memories, Babe Finding myself in a rut, I've decided to try something new. Or a few things new actually. I've taken a job as an au pair. And moved to a different country. And don't know anyone else. And am directionally impaired. Here goes nothing...

Confirming my Homecoming...

GERMANY | Wednesday, 2 Jul 2008 | Views [1104] | Comments [2]

So I should’ve known when I missed my train that the Berlin trip would be a bust. But after hearing that the train I missed had caught on fire, I thought maybe it was a just a reassurance that I should be going when I was going. Unfortunatley, when ... Read more >

Gallery: Berlin

GERMANY | Tuesday, 1 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 118 photos >>

Why Irish Eyes are Smiling

IRELAND | Tuesday, 27 May 2008 | Views [984] | Comments [2]

This weekend I took a quick trip into Dublin. It was a bit of a last minute excursion, and I was more than a little ill-prepared. I had some trouble securing a couch, and was ready with hostel informtation, but at the last minute (literally- I was ... Read more >

Gallery: Ireland

IRELAND | Monday, 26 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

Dublin and Bray
See all 215 photos >>

Twenty-thousand Tulips

NETHERLANDS | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [1068] | Comments [2]

So this weekend was fantastic! My friend Stephanie came into town on her own European adventure and stayed with me for a few days. Granted, it was a rocky start and a rockier ending, but the in-between times were great :) I met Stephanie at Amsterdam ... Read more >

Gallery: Keukenhof

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 13 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

Tulip Festival with Stephanie!
See all 119 photos >>

Gallery: Amsterdam Pt 2

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 13 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

With Stephanie :)
See all 36 photos >>

To Whom It May Concern:

NETHERLANDS | Wednesday, 7 May 2008 | Views [1138] | Comments [4]

So, this is my person-specific blog. The way it works is, you find your name, and read the message. I'm over-explaining so that there are no questions :) DR. ELROD: Please pass my sister, Kera, with a well-deserved "A". It would make all of our ... Read more >

Madrid- The Finale

NETHERLANDS | Wednesday, 30 Apr 2008 | Views [1310] | Comments [3]

I know it's been a few days, but remember- I took notes this trip! So, continuing with my Madrid description for those of you that don't read in bulk (i.e. Rochelle)... Wednesday was the second part of my museum tour. This time I went to Museo del ... Read more >

Madrid- Part One **REVISED**

SPAIN | Monday, 28 Apr 2008 | Views [1208]

So, since last time I wrote a blog about a weekend excursion, I got bad reviews from critics due to the length of the piece, I’ll split my Madrid trip into a couple different blogs. Stiffeners of my creative process! That’s what you are! ☺ The ... Read more >

Gallery: Toledo

SPAIN | Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

Day Trip f/Madrid
See all 65 photos >>

Gallery: Madrid

SPAIN | Saturday, 26 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 249 photos >>

Gallery: Amsterdam

NETHERLANDS | Thursday, 10 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 29 photos >>

Museum Field Trip

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [1184] | Comments [7]

Yesterday I finally made it out to Amsterdam! Yeah, yeah, I know, it's probably supposed to be your first stop upon entering the Netherlands, but we all know I'm a little late to the party most of the time. Anyway, I planned a day of museums followed ... Read more >

Entertaining the Masses.

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 25 Mar 2008 | Views [767] | Comments [5]

Actually, it was a pretty nice week. I haven't worked much at all, it being Easter and all. The kids have had a few days off, and the Parents haven't scheduled any flights, so therefore, lots of lazy days for Katie. Saturday night was my introduction ... Read more >

Food for [every] thought

BELGIUM | Monday, 17 Mar 2008 | Views [1492] | Comments [7]

I have a feeling this is going to be a long one, since Belgium was a three-day adventure, so fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen... I met up with my new friend Guus last week and mentioned that I was thinking of going to Belgium soon, and ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, food

Gallery: Belgium

BELGIUM | Monday, 17 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

Brussels and Leuven
See all 293 photos >>

Not really worth a blog, but...

NETHERLANDS | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [930] | Comments [1]

For all my shopping nay-sayers, I just wanted to update my boot shopping experience(s). I was looking for a pair with black and brown so I could just get one pair for everything for around 40 Euro if possible. Instead, I found a shoe shop today in ... Read more >

Tags: shopping

Seriously, guys?

NETHERLANDS | Monday, 10 Mar 2008 | Views [914] | Comments [6]

Well today was a pretty fun day. I have been kind of laying low (read as sitting on my ass and doing nothing productive) for the past few days, so I decided I really needed to get out and do something. I had the day off, so I called one of my Couchsurfing ... Read more >

Tags: shopping

Groovy, Baby, yeah...

NETHERLANDS | Sunday, 2 Mar 2008 | Views [1166] | Comments [6]

So today was maybe my favorite day here so far. I met some great people, listened to some great music, and am now curled up in a nice comfy bed to sleep in tomorrow! I'll expand: As I've already told everyone (too many times, probably) I am becoming ... Read more >

Tags: friends

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