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Elective Adventure

13. Valentine's Day and President's Day long weekend

USA | Monday, 15 Feb 2010 | Views [281]

I love NY for the fact that you can arrive at a restaurant at 1am, and have to wait for your table because the place is still pumping with diners. Andrew arrived at our apartment, and the 4 of us (Andrew, Michelle, Dave and I) jumped in a cab down to ... Read more >

12. First visitor

USA | Friday, 12 Feb 2010 | Views [318]

I spent the last week in the body reading room with some really nice Doctors, who were very helpful and willing to teach. Just like in the chest reading room, I don’t think saw a normal scan. Very educational, but not at all the highlight of my week.... Read more >

11. Superbowl Sunday

USA | Sunday, 7 Feb 2010 | Views [671] | Comments [1]

Enjoyed the end of the week with the chest reading rads, again observing them interpreting CTs and XRs, doing lung biopsies, and attending conferences with free lunches (yay!). I love sitting in on meetings between radiology and different departments.... Read more >

10. Life is Rad

USA | Thursday, 4 Feb 2010 | Views [589] | Comments [1]

Ahhhh, the life of a radiologist. It’s super enticing, but I think I would get fat, so maybe not for me. I’ve just started my 4-week radiology rotation and have spent the beginning of this week in the chest reading   area. I’ve been paired with ... Read more >

9. A bit of a slack week

USA | Sunday, 31 Jan 2010 | Views [492] | Comments [2]

Oooops. I knew it would happen, I just didn't think it would happen this early in my trip. After 3 packed weeks on Ob/Gyn, Dave's arrived and I've been choosing to stay with him over attending hospital activities. I went to clinics Tuesday and Thursday ... Read more >

8. Surprise!

USA | Tuesday, 26 Jan 2010 | Views [346] | Comments [3]

I had a full weekend of exploration planned. I was going to see Brooklyn on Saturday and had researched my route extensively. Then I wanted to visit Chelsea on Sunday, namely grab a hot chocolate at City Bakery then walk the Highline. This is all now ... Read more >

7. Time flies...

USA | Friday, 22 Jan 2010 | Views [482] | Comments [2]

Time is flying! I can't believe today is Friday of my 3rd week here. I only have 1 week of Ob/Gyn left, then I begin on radiology... and this is the part of the trip filled with visitors. Yay! Ob/Gyn started out so tough, but seems to be ending up ... Read more >

6. A long weekend in Boston

USA | Tuesday, 19 Jan 2010 | Views [361] | Comments [2]

A lot has happened since I last wrote, hence, I haven’t had time to blog. Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I spent in the Family Planning Clinic. I had heard only good things about it, with most residents telling me that it’s friendly, relaxed ... Read more >

5. Jackpot

USA | Monday, 11 Jan 2010 | Views [567] | Comments [2]

Jackpot! 2 coffee joints right near my apartment, that actually use their barista to order. Great coffee. Café Ost on E 12 th St, and Everyman Espresso, a couple of blocks west from my apartment on E 13 th St. Nothing made me happier this weekend! ... Read more >

4. Solace

USA | Friday, 8 Jan 2010 | Views [330] | Comments [1]

OK, so I'm over the initial shock. Much more settled now. The med students here are so intense, but with just cause - their workload is huge and this is their last week on the rotation, so their exams are coming up. I think they have so much more pressure ... Read more >

3. It's serious!

USA | Wednesday, 6 Jan 2010 | Views [324]

Oh crap, it's serious, not just a 2 month frolic in the big city. Day one at Beth Israel started with the usual form filling-in and ID cards, etc, and then I got my green scrubs - of course they are too short, and I look like a big, big dork (cry!).... Read more >

2. Battling the bitter cold in the name of shopping

USA | Sunday, 3 Jan 2010 | Views [324] | Comments [2]

Urgh, horrible night's sleep. Woke every hour between 11pm and 3am, so decided at 3 to get up, have a hot chocolate and instead of tossing and turning, thinking about what I wanted to do the following day, actually wrote a list. Really, it only comprised ... Read more >

Photos: NY elective

USA | Saturday, 2 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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1. Getting there

USA | Saturday, 2 Jan 2010 | Views [537] | Comments [2]

V Australia rocks! Great looking, clean plane, really nice cabin crew, good food. Walking through first class to get to my seat was torture. It looked great, heaps of room, and there was stand up bar. Kyle Sandilands was talking on his phone in first ... Read more >

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