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Elective Adventure

5. Jackpot

USA | Monday, 11 January 2010 | Views [577] | Comments [2]

One of Andy Warhol's 'Jacqueline Kennedy' portraits

One of Andy Warhol's 'Jacqueline Kennedy' portraits

Jackpot! 2 coffee joints right near my apartment, that actually use their barista to order. Great coffee. Café Ost on E 12th St, and Everyman Espresso, a couple of blocks west from my apartment on E 13th St. Nothing made me happier this weekend!

So I went out on Friday night with a bunch of kids from Sydney who are also here on elective. We shared stories and whined (a lot!) about our experiences so far. Some are loving it, some want to go home. One girl, who is finding her rotation REALLY difficult even said that it is making her not like New York. Nooo!

We went to a really fun Mexican place called Tortilla Flats in the meatpacking district. Our group was 10, so we had to wait at the TINY bar for a long time and weren’t seated until about 10.30pm. I had gone beyond hunger by that stage, so didn’t eat too much, but the food I did try was fantastic! As were the margaritas!

Later we ventured to a club around the corner called Apt. Very funky, it’s like a club within an apartment. I walked home from there at around 2am, really enjoying seeing the streets I had explored during the day at night time. They had a different feel.

I spent Saturday catching up. Caught up on sleep, did some grocery shopping, cleaned the apartment and did my washing. And planned for a fun day out on Sunday.

After a lazy Saturday, I realized that I was up too early on Sunday. Was dressed and ready to go by 9am, but most things don’t open til 11am. Strolled slowly towards Union Square to catch the subway uptown. Stopped on the way at CSC (Classic Stage Company) which houses Everyman Espresso in the lobby, and that’s where I found the best coffee so far. Plus, discovered some great plays that are currently showing – will definitely be back to see some.

Got off the green line at Grand Central/42nd St. Walked north up Fifth Ave, window shopping, freezing! So, so cold! The wind was out again, and again, I found it painful to be outside. Popped into St Patrick’s Cathedral to escape, and a mass was on. Felt great to stop for a minute and sit in comfort listening to the sermon. What a great start to the day.

I walked around the back of the cathedral onto Madison Ave, as I had read about some great buildings that were in the area – some old mansions apparently. I forgot all about this though as when I turned the corner onto Madison, what do I see? The Palace Hotel! I got such a rush, imagining Serena and Blair at brunch, and Chuck Bass sloppy at the bar at 11am on a Sunday. I know, I’m such a dag…. and a massive Gossip Girl fan!

Continued walking north, passed Saks and Bergdorf Goodman, the Trump Tower and Tiffany’s, continued past the Apple store to the SE corner of Central Park. Virtually ran the next 10 blocks to the Frick Collection cause it was so icy. I’d been told that if you go to only one museum in NY it should be the Frick. It was definitely more my style as I enjoyed looking at the mansion more than the art, although the art is spectacular. It was really crowded though.

I continued to stroll up with Central Park to my left, past the Zoo where I saw some sad (but huge!), cold looking llamas and goats. I got to the Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art) and lined up to pay admission. This took about 30 mins… it too, was very crowded. But worth it. I knew what I wanted to see. After lunch in the cafeteria downstairs, I headed straight for the modern art collection, and spent the afternoon with Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Roy Lichtenstein and Salvador Dali. And on my way out I passed through Monet and Van Gogh’s collections. I was so impressed, the art blew me away.

I then meandered through the Upper East Side, down Madison, Park and Lexington towards the subway on 59th street. It’s really quiet up there, and peaceful. The cafes were crowded with families having late lunches, and the streets were bare.

Back to work today. I started on Ob/Gyn outpatient clinics at 9am and finished at 5.30pm Now that’s more like it! The people were really nice and very willing to teach, and the work was interesting. I think this is going to be a good week. I even got an hours lunch break. And it’s just up at Union Square, so I walked home for lunch. On the way back I went past CSC (out of the way a little) but in the morning the barista had told me that Meryl Streep was filming a documentary interview in the lobby around lunchtime, so I HAD to see, but she was gone. Oh well, at least I left with a good cup!




  Blair Jan 14, 2010 2:31 PM


Kath, Daniel and I are loving reading your blog. You tell a story so well!

  Bron Jan 15, 2010 8:21 PM

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