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There are [15] photos and [7] stories about Germany

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Wednesday, 20 Jul 2011 | Views [447]

And Now For Something Completely Different I have been spending quality time with family members I rarely see or had even met before now and couldn't be more thrilled, the family connection is so weird isn't it? The complete love for tiny ... Read more >

Last days in Poland

Wednesday, 6 Jul 2011 | Views [440]

The day before I left we went to a concentration camp used in WW2, was horrifying and very upsetting of course, saw barracks full of shoes that belonged to the victims; a case of hair shaved off to be sold; actual gas chambers where 78000 people were ... Read more >

NEW TRAVELLER ALERT _ Look out world here comes Patricia

Thursday, 23 Jun 2011 | Views [439]

Hey folks, just got into London last night, after a nice long chat with Mr Immigration...he eventually decided I'm not a huge threat to their economy Seoul was pretty manic, a few fun facts: showers have their own personality, complete with humour.... Read more >

Strange days indeed

Monday, 17 Jan 2011 | Views [290]

Well - I am waiting in Munich airport for the beginning of the epic flight back to Sydney and will arrive in approximately 24 hours. I will probably go straight to my parents house to see my mum and dad. Gabriel is up on the farm at Jaspers and not due ... Read more >

Tags: returning home


Saturday, 25 Dec 2010 | Views [730]

Sooo lovely people - here we are in Burghausen Bavaria, Deutschland, seeing in CHristmas eve while the sun is just about to peep over the Eastern Horizon into Sydney welcoming in Christmas day 2010. Surely this will be a memorable Christmas. I don't ... Read more >

Photos: Burghausen

Saturday, 18 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

The early days
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Friday, 17 Dec 2010 | Views [534]

The snow is like fairy floss on the good days, light, silvery and sooooooo quite. The way the sounds are muffled just adds to the increadile story book quiality of Burghausen at Christmas. Nestled on the Austrain border defined by the mighty Salzach ... Read more >

Tags: cancer, germany



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