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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "graphs".

And I Wished on Every Single Day, Before I Let it Go

USA | Thursday, 18 Jun 2015 | Views [291] | Comments [1]

Tuesday began with the algebra short course. We'd pretty much finished up with groups last Thursday, so we started in on rings. So in about a week, we'd skimmed through the material covered in my Abstract 1 class and were moving on to Abstract 2. It ... Read more >

Tags: abstract algebra, fireflies, graphs, loops, math

Problem One

USA | Friday, 12 Jun 2015 | Views [312]

Like Tuesday, today began with with the algebra short course. We got a new packet, though we spent the entire day finishing u pmaterial from the first packet. Which meant more groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, and homomorphisms. So more Abstract ... Read more >

Tags: abstract algebra, graphs, math, research problem, topology

Fundamental Counting

USA | Thursday, 11 Jun 2015 | Views [301]

Today, the schedule was switched around a bit from what I've gotten used to. (I know, it's only been two days. I can't really pretend that I'm used to a set routine and be upset when they change it. But still...) Rather than beginning with a short course, ... Read more >

Tags: abstract algebra, analysis, fundamental theorem, graphs, math, topology

Abstract Algebra 3: the Revenge of the Groups

USA | Wednesday, 10 Jun 2015 | Views [279]

Today felt less busy than yesterday. We started later, but ended at nerly thie same time, which was part of it. However, I think the bigger difference was that today made more sense than yesterday. It was also more focused, with everything being about ... Read more >

Tags: abstract algebra, graphs, groups, math

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