I had
previously booked a scuba dive to White Island, an active volcano 48 kilometres
off the shores of Whakatane. Apparently
one of the world´s best dive sites.
Needless to
say, the long ride on the boat was a nightmare…..the usual seasickness had set
in….good job I skipped breakfast. Mind
you, there was another guy a lot worse than me, which made me feel less of a

Finally got
the drop off point adjacent to the volcano.
The current was really strong and it was a struggle to battle with the
waves and current as I tried to swim from the back of the boat to the anchor
line. The current was pretty strong
below too, and it was hard to move under the water. However, it was an amazing dive with plenty
of marine life to see.
The second
dive, further around the volcano was much better, and far less current.
The journey
back was as bad as on the way there. It
didn´t help matters when the engines on the boat failed and we had to chug back
at a snail´s pace. I hid in the hull and
just lay there until the torture was over.
Apart from surfacing when we spotted a pod of dolphins, again, a magical
site as they jumped in front of the boat.
coastguard had to help the boat back into the harbour as the sea was so
rough…..the swell was about 6foot high.
Once on terra ferma I was greeted by Matt and Emma…a really lovely
couple from the hostel…they were in the area and had heard a boat had run into
difficulties and knowing that I was on it, they waited for me to return and
give me a lift back in their camper…it was a really nice gesture after my