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My Dumb Idea

On the Rooad Again....

CHINA | Saturday, 20 August 2011 | Views [511]

I am sitting in the most uncomfortable chair that has been manufactured in the last 500 years, in Chicago's O'Hare airport. I left Dayton bright and early at 6 a.m. and only had to deal with one moron on my first flight. Right after take off the sun started to rise and I was thinking to myself how wonderful it would be to try to describe a sunrise at 20,000 feet. The colors and their hues how they bleed into the black of night, however I promptly fell asleep about 5 minutes into the flight. Then I got to Chicago and spent the next hour and a half trying to sleep in these chairs, it was not very successful. I finally gave up and had myself a McDonald's breakfast, not as delicious as it sounds. I still have about an hour or so before they start boarding my plane , so I will be checking my fantasy leagues and trying to stave off boredom. I am also trying to stay half awake so when I get on the plane I can just pass out again, but I am afraid I might already be too awake. Plus the movie list for this flight looks impressive, and you know my weakness for movies. Next time you hear from me it will be in China. I have spent the last few days trying to come up with a good closing line like: "Good night, and Good Luck" or "It's not mine officer I was just holding it for a friend." I can't think of anything funny, relevant, and memorable enough yet, I guess it is just like Magnum you will have to wait till it is ready to hear it. When you do hear it, it will have the potential to stop throwing stars.

Tags: chicago



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