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Where's Jonny? Care to dine with me? You would think that 11 years of daily food tasting for a living might put me off?......au contraire! Chomp away with me across 6 continents. Seduced like a bloodhound to the scent of good food, I anticipate the misty waft of steaming broths, the satisfying crunch of mudbugs and the vibrant aroma of freshly pulverised lemongrass. Buon appetito

My year abroad - Statistically speaking

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007 | Views [1246]

Below are the stats on my travels over the last 9 months Favourite country - Vietnam (phenominally rich in culture, colours and people) Hippest city - Rio (a natural wonder) Hottest girls - Brasil and Vietnam (quite different but both stunningly ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

Noel is here....and its only October

USA | Monday, 5 Nov 2007 | Views [1215]

A tropical storm warning was issued for south east Florida the day we were due to fly to Los Angeles. Flying in calm conditions makes me shake like Elvis Presley, so there was little chance I was getting on an aeroplane with Hurricane Noel on his destructive ... Read more >

Tags: Airports

Miami Marathon Man

USA | Sunday, 4 Nov 2007 | Views [2262] | Comments [1]

I only wanted a cheap pair of running shoes but was sneakered into purchasing an, "intelligent" pair of Nike's.  I can't really afford them but in Miami its all about looking the part. Silver trims, ipod transmitter under the sole and side ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

Gallery: Miami - Call me Bling Crosby

USA | Sunday, 4 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Ultra cool, ultra latinultra shallow, but I love it
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A cracking Birthday

USA | Monday, 29 Oct 2007 | Views [1223]

The fog in Ogunquit, Maine, was so think that the local diners were using it to top their sundaes.  I peered outside, barely able to see the maple tree which grew next to the window.  This was dense. Despite the visability of a James Herbert novel I ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

A poem about New England

USA | Monday, 29 Oct 2007 | Views [1844] | Comments [1]

For months I swhirled around the world but needed time to mellow, Soothing tides and leafy drives with trees of golden yellow. ------------------------------------------ White towns of wood and pointed spire defined New Hampshires facia, Whilst ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Gallery: New England - The Fall

USA | Thursday, 18 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

astonishing shades (and I'm not talking about my Pradas)
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A big kids party

USA | Wednesday, 17 Oct 2007 | Views [2488] | Comments [1]

American food never fails to make me smile.....laugh actually.  It's just like a kids party without the balloons.  We're struggling in New England.........Nachos on EVERY menu, fizzy re-fills, (in restaurants touted as "fine dining") cheese, ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

The white house on windy hill

USA | Tuesday, 16 Oct 2007 | Views [2513]

We drove through great washes of red, orange, green and yellow towards a B&B called, the White House on windy hill.... The "drive through," bank in Conway had a digital thermometer, but I didn't have to read the number to know the temperature ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Care for Guinea pig?

PERU | Monday, 8 Oct 2007 | Views [2595]

Cuy al horno (roasted guinea pig) must be one of Peru's most famous or notorious dishes depending on your viewpoint.  It is however, a delicacy found mainly in the Highland regions, so don't go ordering it in Lima unless you want to eat some kids pet.... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Train journey to the sky - Machu Pichu

PERU | Monday, 8 Oct 2007 | Views [2608]

I've never shyed away from exercise.  I have even been known to drink Lucozade sport - but when offered the choice of a gruelling 4 day hike over mountains that make Lamas groan OR a spectacular train journey through the Andes, I opted for the latter.... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Completing Darwins work

BRAZIL | Sunday, 7 Oct 2007 | Views [3174] | Comments [1]

If any place on earth held the secrets to life, it was here. Hidden deep within unexplored regions of Amazonia lay the answers.  My time was precious, yet I yearned to discover a new species; a plant, an insect, maybe even a human? 4 separate flights ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Perusing Peru

PERU | Monday, 1 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

In search of Guinea pigs
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Full-on football - Rio´s fanatical fans

BRAZIL | Monday, 1 Oct 2007 | Views [2851]

I´ve never been a voyeur - well, not when it comes to sport,  so football matches are not really my thing.  However, I was interested to test just how fanatical the Brazilians were about the game by attending a derby match at their famous Maracana stadium.... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Are favelas safe?

BRAZIL | Sunday, 30 Sep 2007 | Views [2668]

We ascended Rochinas narrow streets with real apprehension.  Rio's largest favela has a notorious history of drugs, shootings and extreme poverty.  The guidebooks advise against going alone. Luckily we had a guide, Alfredo, who was keen to change the ... Read more >

Tags: People

Getting into a stew

BRAZIL | Sunday, 30 Sep 2007 | Views [1587]

"Feijoada," could be classed as Brazils National dish.  A rich pork and bean stew traditionally eaten at weekends, it reminded me of the Sunday roast Brits used to sit down for. Even today, many restaurants only serve the dish on a Saturday, ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Gallery: Brazil NUTS

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

Hot latin action found here
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We`re Brasil NUTS - Notes from Rio

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007 | Views [1765]

I`m sick of cities. I rarely spend more than 3 days in one, before moving off to where green things grow and pigeons have only two legs. Pollution, noise, smells, crime, stress, sewage, crowds, rats, cockroaches, traffic, congestion, black snots, attitudes.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Beef a La bus

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007 | Views [1180]

The British transport system is shocking.  If it was a child, the parents would be imprisoned for neglect.  Our trains are dirty, crammed and rarely on time and its been proven that cattle in transit for slaughter have more favourable conditions than ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Grape expectations

ARGENTINA | Monday, 10 Sep 2007 | Views [1327]

Americans would hate red wine tasting.  Swirling a staining liquid around those pristine gnashers would render the, "Hollywood smile," useless. That said, Napa Valley in California could well be next on my wine trail after South Africa, New ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

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