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The Adventures of Quirky Finn A girl who laughs, talks, smiles and does the most random things in the world travels around her home corners and the entire world. Dreams and Thinks. These are the travels of a quirky Finn.

Lahachowk Through My Eyes

NEPAL | Friday, 17 Jul 2015 | Views [537] | Video | Scholarship Entry

The story of Heta, that is me, begins on the 11th of July 2014. 12 months ago I graduated from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.I graduated with an undergraduate degree in English and Film with Visual Culture. Only thing about me that existed ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Film Scholarship to Colombia

The normal people of rural Nepal

NEPAL | Friday, 14 Nov 2014 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I believe that I deserve this Scholarship as I have experience of travelling and of photography but more importantly I have curiosity about other cultures. I used to be the shy girl in Finland who wanted to photograph people but couldn't and was jailed ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

NEPAL panic.

NEPAL | Tuesday, 17 Jun 2014 | Views [797]

Finally after updating some of my history I get to rant about what I am actually wanting to rant about.   Six months ago, on a cold December night, I was looking for ways to procrastinate from becoming an adult. I found a website, Volunteer ... Read more >

Tags: filming, nepal, photography, preparation, travel stress, volunteering

Graffiti Central

GERMANY | Friday, 13 Jun 2014 | Views [462]

Three days in Berlin.   Mentalness. I never realised how large Berlin was. I arrived on the Sunday and left on Wednesday which was nowhere near enough time. Arrived on Sunday evening and had my lovely friend Laura waiting me at the airport ... Read more >

Tags: art, berlin, europe, experience, finland, graffiti, on the road, sushi, tours, travel

Photos: Travels Iceland - Reykjavik and other places

ICELAND | Sunday, 25 May 2014 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Life. Panic. Breathe. Panic. Laughter

GERMANY | Sunday, 25 May 2014 | Views [487]

I finally finished all my uni work two weeks ago. The following two weeks involved a lot of cleaning, TV and reading. I watched films. GOOD films. I did nothing. Nothing is something that does not come naturally to me. I am constantly planning. I have ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, city, finland, germany, helsinki, nature, nessie, on the road, oulu, scotland

Photos: Around Scotland

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 15 May 2014 | Flickr Photo Gallery

I have spent my past 4 years in Aberdeen, Scotland doing university studies. During that time I have travelled here and there.
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Tags: animals, beautiful, castles, cows, landscape, scotland, seagulls, travelling, uk

Photos: South-East Asia travels

VIETNAM | Friday, 2 May 2014 | Flickr Photo Gallery

Last Summer was time for exploring. Me and a friend flew across the globe to Vietnam and travelled around for 7 weeks. We visited Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, and even though I didn't tan (Nordic skin aye?) it was one of the best times of my life! ... Read more >
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The library

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 1 May 2014 | Views [324]

The story begins from the library.   Yes, I know this is a travel journal. Each one has its beginning. Mine begins from the library. I am stuck in what people may call a glass zebra, the Duncan Rice Library in University of Aberdeen, Scotland.... Read more >

Tags: boredom, exitement, soon-to-be-travels, stand-by, university

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