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Travel blog I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental and I eat French toast (Beastie Boys) | | | Photos available at www.istockphoto.com/georgeclerk


There are [0] photos and [8] stories tagged with "On the Rails".

Soaking in Singapore

SINGAPORE | Monday, 24 Dec 2007 | Views [3670] | Comments [7]

I knew I was coming to Singapore during one of the rainy months, but with three out of the four days I was there featuring monsoon style rainfall, I felt lucky to have one day of glorious sunshine. Still, for me, going into the shopping centres ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails


CHINA | Monday, 22 Oct 2007 | Views [4926] | Comments [7]

Telling me all about China before I left, Rosie McC said that Xian (Xi'an - pronounced like Sheean - just a wee city compared to Beijing and Shanghai, with only 7 million people!) was a great place, and she wasn't lying! After a few days ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

Beijing and Shanghai

CHINA | Tuesday, 16 Oct 2007 | Views [3399] | Comments [3]

Ni Hao!   Arriving in Beijing, I was quite glad that - before leaving the UK - I'd used accumulated Airmiles to book a couple of nights in a hotel.  It was well nice to indulge in some 'flashpacking' at the end of all the train journeys from Russia, ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails


MONGOLIA | Friday, 5 Oct 2007 | Views [5736] | Comments [2]

We arrived early doors in what is officially the coldest capital city in the world, Ulaanbaatar, and were met at the station by what was - after plenty dour Russian receptions along the way - a very welcome warm smile from our lovely Mongolian ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

Through Siberia

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Friday, 5 Oct 2007 | Views [4109] | Comments [1]

Four of us in a kupe cabin (two German guys, Holger and Thomas; one Swedish girl, Eva plus me) we left Moscow not long before midnight, with the temperature outside chilly, but swelteringly hot inside the train - especially for Holger and me on ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

Moscow (Moscaaw for US readers!)

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Sunday, 23 Sep 2007 | Views [2418] | Comments [3]

I'm иow on my last day in Moscow, heading off for the 5,500+ mile train jouяney towards Beijing late tonight.  Should get to Beijing in just under two weeks, afteя three nights near Lake Baikal (Eastern Russia), three nights in Mongolia and the rest ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

Generalisations about Scandinavia

FINLAND | Monday, 17 Sep 2007 | Views [2248] | Comments [5]

- The cities have lots of good buskers, using all sorts of instuments - trumpets, saxaphones, wine glasses, glockenspiels etc. - The food from kiosks on the street is surprisingly good, but not that cheap. - Coffee is taken quite seriously, and ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

Me Thinki, Helsinki

FINLAND | Sunday, 16 Sep 2007 | Views [3028] | Comments [2]

WTF Magazine. Welcome to Finland indeed! Helsinki seems like a great place, despite the chilly Baltic wind that blows from time to time. Having done some tourist bits on Saturday, I headed out later ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

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