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Travel blog I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental and I eat French toast (Beastie Boys) | | | Photos available at www.istockphoto.com/georgeclerk

Malaysia, truly Asia

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009 | Views [6158] | Comments [1]

I started off in Kuala Lumpur, and headed up to the Traders Skybar opposite the Petronas Towers, armed with camera and tripod, but I only managed to fire off a few snaps before a friendly waitress came over and told me that the use of a tripod ... Read more >

Tags: kuala lumpur, malaysia, perhentian islands, taman negara

New Zealand (...a-gain!)

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [3937] | Comments [3]

It's been a while since I updated this blog, but I've been back in New Zealand since I last updated it (just before Christmas)... Emily and Billy on boxing day, playing in a cardboard box! This is a fantail.  They're very friendly, and confidently ... Read more >

Tags: camping, new zealand, on the road

Hong Kong Stopover

HONG KONG | Monday, 22 Dec 2008 | Views [2697] | Comments [3]

I'm only in Hong Kong for four days, and haven't got round to writing anything, so here's a bunch of pictures instead: Tough food choices Louis Vuitton was so busy in the run up to Christmas that they'd started a nightclub style one-in/one-... Read more >

Tags: hong kong, kowloon

Hualien to Taipei the long way

TAIWAN | Wednesday, 17 Dec 2008 | Views [5246]

Since the weather was still rubbish, I decided to stay in Hualien for a second night. While there, I used a couple of the city's massive, ultra-cheap and high speed web cafes. I felt old and square as I sat writing emails and booking flights while ... Read more >

Tags: goose, hualien, kaohsiung, ruelli, sun moon lake, taipei, taiwan, yuli

Taiwan - Taipei to Hualien

TAIWAN | Saturday, 6 Dec 2008 | Views [4238]

From Fukuoka in Japan I flew to Taiwan with China Air, which is the national airline of The Republic of China (Taiwan).  China Air is not to be confused with Air China, which is the national airline for The Peoples' Republic of China (China).  Confused?  ... Read more >

Tags: hualien, republic of china, taipei, taiwan, taroko gorge

Hiroshima to Fukuoka

JAPAN | Friday, 28 Nov 2008 | Views [6814]

Arriving in Hiroshima by a super fast shinkansen, the first surprise was the size of the city.  It's quite big - the population's over a million.  Otherwise, on the surface it seems very much like any other city in Japan.  You see this type ... Read more >

Tags: aso-san, beppu, fukuoka, hiroshima, japan

Nagoya to Osaka

JAPAN | Tuesday, 18 Nov 2008 | Views [3086] | Video

My robotic hopes in Nagoya were sadly dashed by the fact that the museum closed recently due to lack of interest.  I can't believe that anyone would not be interested in a building full of walking and probably talking robots, but there we are.  I ... Read more >

Tags: japan, kanazawa, kyoto, osaka, takayama, toilet

Tokyo and Nikko

JAPAN | Saturday, 8 Nov 2008 | Views [7503]

Konnichiwa! I foolishly arrived in Japan knowing only one word in Japanese, and since that was 'sayonara' ('goodbye'), it wasn't exactly the most useful starting point for a conversation! But though English isn't very confidently spoken ... Read more >

Tags: japan, nikko, rail pass, tokyo

Bula! from Fiji (and NZ)

FIJI | Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 | Views [4841] | Comments [3]

I hadn't planned to go to Fiji after Australia, but when Mum and Dad decided to go there with my sister Julia and family for a holiday, a 'free' week in the sun sounded like a great idea.    I got there a week before them, and was quite pleased ... Read more >

Tags: cruise, fiji, new zealand, yasawas

'Brisneyland' to Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 4 Oct 2008 | Views [2936] | Comments [4]

After Nicole arrived in Brisbane, we went for a few adventures in the city.  One involved heading to Mount Coot-tha, which we eventually found, then went for a walk to some waterfalls, which we either managed to miss completely, or they were dried up ... Read more >

Tags: australia, east coast, sydney

Among the Banana Benders

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 18 Sep 2008 | Views [5891] | Comments [3]

'Banana Benders' sounds dodgy, but people from Queensland are just given the nickname because they grow (and apparently put the bends in) so many bananas. A few days after arriving up in Cairns, I picked up my hire car.  Having booked the smallest ... Read more >

Tags: australia, east coast, queensland

Sydney and Canberra

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [4217]

After Bali, arriving in the slick, ordered, affluent and surprisingly chilly world of Sydney's CBD was quite a contrast.  I stayed in a rickety old pub/hotel right in the middle of the business district, just a few minutes from the Opera House and ... Read more >

Tags: canberra, sydney

Four Weeks in Bali

INDONESIA | Thursday, 14 Aug 2008 | Views [16135] | Comments [8]

Kuta / Legian My first impressions of Bali weren't the best - on arriving at 10pm at the hotel, security guards used mirrors to check under the taxi for bombs.  Then, after checking in I went for a walk to get something to eat, and in the ... Read more >

Tags: bali

South by South West

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 16 Jul 2008 | Views [2398] | Comments [3]

I spent several days in Perth, mainly taking and uploading photos for iStock, sorting out tickets etc for my next travels, and going out with the guys from the 'Wicked' journey a couple of times. Then had a few days left to quickly see some ... Read more >

Tags: perth, trees, western australia

Down the West Coast

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [12227] | Comments [1]

After a few days in Broome, Caroline, Mandy, Becky, Steve and I rented a couple of 'Wicked' camper vans for the journey South towards Perth.   Unfortunately, you don't get to choose your van.  We were quite happy with ours - swirly patterns and ... Read more >

Tags: dolphins, monkey mia, perth, pinnacles, shark bay, western australia

Across The Kimberly

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [4574] | Comments [3]

From Darwin, I joined another Landcruiser based outback tour, this time going to Broome, with an international cast of nine - Becky (England), Caroline (La France), Mandy (Australia), Ruby (Taiwan), Steve (England), Tanam (Switzerland) and Wouter (Holland).... Read more >

Tags: gibb river road, kimberly, road trip, western australia

Alice Springs to 'The Top End'

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 3 Jun 2008 | Views [4682] | Comments [2]

I had five days in Alice, and apart from catching up on sleep, reading and putting pictures onto iStock, I joined Chris and Dave (from the tour up from Adelaide) for meals and a couple of cinema visits. Alice seemed a bit of a strange place. One ... Read more >

Tags: alice springs, australia, darwin, kakadu, katherine gorge, litchfield

Adelaide to Alice

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 17 May 2008 | Views [5060] | Comments [10]

After a day and a half of rain, which was so unusual that it made the front page of the papers, Adelaide looked a lot better in the sunshine. The grid of the small city centre is surrounded on all sides by big parks - like a greenbelt right in the ... Read more >

Tags: adelaide, bush, desert, outback, uluru

Melbourne and Around

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 | Views [5088] | Comments [5]

Arriving in Australia for the first time, things started well when the beach-babe immigration woman stamped my passport, smiled and said 'see you later' in an enthusiastic Australian voice. Getting from the airport to my city-centre hostel was cheap ... Read more >

Tags: grampians, great ocean road, melbourne, phillip island, wilsons prom

New Zealand III - This Time It's Personal!

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 12 Apr 2008 | Views [5952] | Comments [1]

From Queenstown we headed East across the South Island to Dunedin. The city's name comes from Dùn Èideann, the Gaelic word for 'Edinburgh', and that's not the only thing linking Edinburgh and Dunedin... Dunedin's newspaper is called 'The Edinburgh ... Read more >

Tags: dolphins, dunedin, kaikoura, napier

New Zealand II

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 19 Mar 2008 | Views [3046]

Kia ora! So after an entertaining day of card games in the backpackers in Marahau while it rained cats and dogs, the next day in Abel Tasman was a mixture of showers and sunshine, and I went for a 'tramp' along another section of coast. ... Read more >

Tags: fiordland, new zealand, queenstown

New Zealand Part 1

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 8 Mar 2008 | Views [8110] | Comments [3]

Hello!... It's been quite a while since my last blog entry, I've been in NZ since arriving from Singapore a couple of days before Christmas. Christmas with Steve, Jules (my big sister) and Emily was great - delicious steaks on the bbq while wild ... Read more >

Tags: new zealand, on the road, sweet as

Gallery: New Zealand

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 7 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 83 photos >>

Gallery: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Monday, 24 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 18 photos >>

Soaking in Singapore

SINGAPORE | Monday, 24 Dec 2007 | Views [3670] | Comments [7]

I knew I was coming to Singapore during one of the rainy months, but with three out of the four days I was there featuring monsoon style rainfall, I felt lucky to have one day of glorious sunshine. Still, for me, going into the shopping centres ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

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