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Travel blog I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental and I eat French toast (Beastie Boys) | | | Photos available at www.istockphoto.com/georgeclerk


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "east coast".

'Brisneyland' to Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 4 Oct 2008 | Views [2936] | Comments [4]

After Nicole arrived in Brisbane, we went for a few adventures in the city.  One involved heading to Mount Coot-tha, which we eventually found, then went for a walk to some waterfalls, which we either managed to miss completely, or they were dried up ... Read more >

Tags: australia, east coast, sydney

Among the Banana Benders

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 18 Sep 2008 | Views [5891] | Comments [3]

'Banana Benders' sounds dodgy, but people from Queensland are just given the nickname because they grow (and apparently put the bends in) so many bananas. A few days after arriving up in Cairns, I picked up my hire car.  Having booked the smallest ... Read more >

Tags: australia, east coast, queensland

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