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There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Finland

Generalisations about Scandinavia

Monday, 17 Sep 2007 | Views [2250] | Comments [5]

- The cities have lots of good buskers, using all sorts of instuments - trumpets, saxaphones, wine glasses, glockenspiels etc. - The food from kiosks on the street is surprisingly good, but not that cheap. - Coffee is taken quite seriously, and ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

Me Thinki, Helsinki

Sunday, 16 Sep 2007 | Views [3029] | Comments [2]

WTF Magazine. Welcome to Finland indeed! Helsinki seems like a great place, despite the chilly Baltic wind that blows from time to time. Having done some tourist bits on Saturday, I headed out later ... Read more >

Tags: On the Rails

Turku and Tampere

Saturday, 15 Sep 2007 | Views [3922] | Comments [3]

Eleven hours for the Viking Line ferry between Stockholm and Turku seemed excessive, but the reason became clear soon enough - for most of the way we had to go slowly as our huge ferry negotiated the way through the huge Stockholm Archipelago ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road



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