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Travel blog I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental and I eat French toast (Beastie Boys) | | | Photos available at www.istockphoto.com/georgeclerk


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "japan".

Hiroshima to Fukuoka

JAPAN | Friday, 28 Nov 2008 | Views [6813]

Arriving in Hiroshima by a super fast shinkansen, the first surprise was the size of the city.  It's quite big - the population's over a million.  Otherwise, on the surface it seems very much like any other city in Japan.  You see this type ... Read more >

Tags: aso-san, beppu, fukuoka, hiroshima, japan

Nagoya to Osaka

JAPAN | Tuesday, 18 Nov 2008 | Views [3086] | Video

My robotic hopes in Nagoya were sadly dashed by the fact that the museum closed recently due to lack of interest.  I can't believe that anyone would not be interested in a building full of walking and probably talking robots, but there we are.  I ... Read more >

Tags: japan, kanazawa, kyoto, osaka, takayama, toilet

Tokyo and Nikko

JAPAN | Saturday, 8 Nov 2008 | Views [7502]

Konnichiwa! I foolishly arrived in Japan knowing only one word in Japanese, and since that was 'sayonara' ('goodbye'), it wasn't exactly the most useful starting point for a conversation! But though English isn't very confidently spoken ... Read more >

Tags: japan, nikko, rail pass, tokyo

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