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Travel blog I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental and I eat French toast (Beastie Boys) | | | Photos available at www.istockphoto.com/georgeclerk


There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "on the road".

New Zealand (...a-gain!)

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [3937] | Comments [3]

It's been a while since I updated this blog, but I've been back in New Zealand since I last updated it (just before Christmas)... Emily and Billy on boxing day, playing in a cardboard box! This is a fantail.  They're very friendly, and confidently ... Read more >

Tags: camping, new zealand, on the road

New Zealand Part 1

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 8 Mar 2008 | Views [8109] | Comments [3]

Hello!... It's been quite a while since my last blog entry, I've been in NZ since arriving from Singapore a couple of days before Christmas. Christmas with Steve, Jules (my big sister) and Emily was great - delicious steaks on the bbq while wild ... Read more >

Tags: new zealand, on the road, sweet as

Too quickly thru Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Views [3809] | Comments [2]

Langkawi Arriving in the dark from the Koh Lipe ferry, when I found a taxi I was a bit suspicious of the driver's claims that almost every bed on the island was full. Lankawi is right up in the north west of the peninsular part of Malaysia, ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Chengdu to Emei Shan

CHINA | Saturday, 27 Oct 2007 | Views [14326] | Comments [4]

Thanks for all the very kind comments, but you'll be glad to know that I'm leaving soon for a mammoth journey to Lijiang (which isn't even very far away), so this one's going to be mainly pictures. Along with the Giant Buddha in Leshan (one of ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Turku and Tampere

FINLAND | Saturday, 15 Sep 2007 | Views [3920] | Comments [3]

Eleven hours for the Viking Line ferry between Stockholm and Turku seemed excessive, but the reason became clear soon enough - for most of the way we had to go slowly as our huge ferry negotiated the way through the huge Stockholm Archipelago ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Stockholm by Segway

SWEDEN | Wednesday, 12 Sep 2007 | Views [4108] | Comments [1]

I arrived in Stockholm on Monday 10th, and after three nights here, I'll be leaving very early tomorrow morning to head for Finland on the ferry.   I've been staying in Fridhemsplan (a few tube stops out), at a massive hostel with several hundred ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

City of Gothenburg

SWEDEN | Sunday, 9 Sep 2007 | Views [7369] | Comments [5]

Haj from Sweden! Actually for some reason they normally say it twice, quickly, sounding like 'Hai Hai'. 'Yu-te-bori' is about the same size as Edinburgh, and is the largest university city in Scandinavia with over 60,000 students.  Like Edinburgh ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

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