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Gauri's Adventures

Working Girls

ITALY | Tuesday, 29 May 2007 | Views [491]

Today Katie and I flyered for two hours and then got free burgers. After dinner, we came home and got ready to go back to work at 10. When we got back to Red Garter, Bertie had already signed up 10 teams and it wasn’t even 10 yet. Fabio and Andrea got there shortly after and proceeded to tell Katie and I what we were doing wrong and that we shouldn’t have signed up teams even though it wasn’t us who did that. Fabio told us he and Andrea were going to take over sign ups so we could go have fun and be ready at 11. We went to check how the sign ups were around 11 and Fabio had signed up 48 teams. The cut off is 32 but once he accidentally signed up 35, he had to keep going. Stupid. Long story short, the first round had 3 sets of teams on the 8 tables and the tournament finally had a winner at 4 AM. The only good part about working that late was that we were still getting paid. The tournament was actually a lot of fun though because there were a lot of fun people there who just kept coming up to the stage and introducing themselves to Katie and I. The best guy was the one who Katie handed a flyer to earlier in the day and he turned after he took it and said “I’m going to come because I want to meet people like you!” He came up and introduced himself to me first and then a little bit later, he was talking to Katie and asked if she remembered him as that guy and both of us were like OMG. He was hilarious though and sang a Broadway rendition of Grease “Summer Loving” to Katie. He also told us that he needed interesting facts to remember us by and that he would come back and look for us and we shouldn’t be creeped out he remembered everything. After the tournament was finally over, we went to the Blob with Francesco for about 20 minutes and then we got him to take us to the late night bakery. In Crystal’s Florence book, there was a blurb about a late night bakery with no name and no address. We tried to find it a couple times before and Francesco said he knew were it was so he would take us sometime. Needless to say, the other girls were extremely jealous that we went there and they didn’t!

Tags: Work



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