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To Infinity and Beyond. "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Favourite Stories

dondealban has [6] favourite stories.

The funniest flight ever- Palawan to Manila

PHILIPPINES | Wednesday, 2 Dec 2009 | By missy_carrie_gee | Views [1574]

So, the standard safety video is actually a live enactment on Cebu Pacific. One "lucky" flight attendant has to stand up in front of everyone and act out, with props, how to buckle a seat belt, how to wear a life vest, etc. The woman ... Read more >

Tags: cebu pacific, flight, manila, palawan, puerto princessa

Onwards to Dumaguette

PHILIPPINES | Thursday, 3 Dec 2009 | By bear | Views [1927] | Comments [1]

A Filipino bus ride is sure to be a) bumpy, b) prone to stop your heart every once in a while, and c) fly like eagle on speed. Always sit away from the window, else a palm tree could have your eye out, and always wear shades, preferably goggles (this ... Read more >

A Fistful of Rupees: Coping with Begging on Third World Trails

INDIA | Friday, 20 Nov 2009 | By travel-tips | Views [5651] | Comments [1]

Thanks so much to Jeff Greenwald from Ethical Traveler for this guest post.  Several years ago, on a solo trek in northern India, I was joined by an eight-year-old boy wearing a tattered red vest. He startled me with a phrase in perfect ... Read more >

Tags: beggars, begging, culture shock, ethical travel, india, poverty, responsible travel


PHILIPPINES | Wednesday, 11 Nov 2009 | By missy_carrie_gee | Views [1316]

When we arrived, the plan was to wait for a friend I met in Honolulu to pick us up at the airport, so when we went to kill time, we found this gala reception for a beauty pageant (Miss Earth 2009)- IN the airport!!! We were peeping into the area, and ... Read more >

Tags: airport miss earth gala, hawaiian air flight

Overall impressions of the Philippines

PHILIPPINES | Monday, 16 Nov 2009 | By missy_carrie_gee | Views [1109] | Comments [1]

The Road Warriors... The roads are fucking crazy!!!!!!!!!! Red light? Hordes of 20 cars or so stream through regardless… Double yellow line? Just go around. Pass on the left, the right… whatever. People rarely stay in the same lane for more than ... Read more >

Tags: people, philippines, toilets, traffic

What I will miss about the Philippines

JAPAN | Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009 | By joblogs | Views [699]

We left Japan last month in the snow and returned today to a balmy 22 degrees and sunshine. Spring has arrived! Takes the edge off being home at least.   I thought my last blog entry should be about things I will miss about the Philippines.... Read more >