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Mustang. A Trek to the Kingdom of Lo A bunch of friends decided to explore the remote kingdom of Lo, and climbing the Pisang Peak in Nepal in October 2010. And.. this journal will record our adventures :))

Trip: Mustang

There are [13] stories from my trip: Mustang

... and we're on the Trekking review!

NEPAL | Friday, 11 Mar 2011 | Views [484]

Here's the article from Michela on the issue 243 of " Trekking and outdoor " :)))))

In Chitwan National Park

NEPAL | Wednesday, 27 Oct 2010 | Views [714]

Here we are, moved south close to the Indian border, at the National park in Chitwan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitwan_National_Park Today we rode elephants through the jungle, spotting a rhino breastfeeding, birds and another deer... in the afternoon, ... Read more >

Tags: animals, national park, wild

Down along the Annapurna trek. Jagat, finally.

NEPAL | Sunday, 24 Oct 2010 | Views [777]

Updates, updates! After the famous Thorong La (pass) at 5400 something, we went down along the Annapurna trek route. Landscape is very different from desertical Mustang, and also: here there's so many more people. We were not used anymore :D Pisang ... Read more >

Tags: mountains, nepal, trekking

Lo Manthang.

NEPAL | Sunday, 10 Oct 2010 | Views [1042] | Comments [1]

While I struggle with a very slow connection to upload some pics into this journal, Michela has set her mind to buy one of the traditional, beautiful dresses from here. She looks beautiful in it, so let's buy it! Lo Manthang is the capital of ... Read more >

Tags: king, mustang, nepal, trekking

Photos: Kathmandu. Where the fun begins

NEPAL | Wednesday, 6 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 10 photos >>

Mustang, finally!

SWITZERLAND | Wednesday, 6 Oct 2010 | Views [914]

...so we're entering officially the Upper Mustang area, it was time! We are in Kaghbeni, nice little village were we arrived today, and from tomorrow when we will trek up along the Kali Gandaki river valley. Kathmandu was hot and chaos, lots of tekkers ... Read more >

Tags: art, mountains, mustang, nepal, trekking

Lost Treasures of Tibet, or Mustang on PBS - the trailer.

NEPAL | Tuesday, 28 Sep 2010 | Views [1490] | Video

Here's the trailer (10 minutes) and the complete documentary (almost 1 hr). What I like most in these images? The sky. How can it be so blue, remains a mystery to me.

Tags: art, caves, mountain, mustang, nepal, sky, trekking

The Colours of Silence. A photo exhibit on upper Mustang from Luigi Fieni

NEPAL | Monday, 27 Sep 2010 | Views [1324]

Luigi Fieni is a photographer and art restorer who has devoted years to the restoration of cave paintings in upper Mustang. Now his photo exhibition will be shown in Kathmandu and I can't wait to see it! From his facebook page: " The Colours ... Read more >

Tags: art, caves, mustang, nepal, photography

Readings on Mustang. A small bibliography.

NEPAL | Monday, 27 Sep 2010 | Views [1529]

‎ There's not much available on the remote Kingdom of Lo - it's not like, say, the Annapurna trek, with tons of material available from the internet or in specialized libraries. But this is precisely what makes this ... Read more >

Tags: books, mustang, resources, trekking

And... why Pisang Peak?

NEPAL | Wednesday, 22 Sep 2010 | Views [1632]

Good question. I guess because it's easy (so they say), but here is the story goes. We were having dinner at The Klein Istanbul in Zurich (by the way: food is gorgeous there..) and they both kept insisting that they ... Read more >

Tags: alpinism, mountain

The crew. A mixture of expedition experts and BBQ lovers, with or without Mojito!

SWITZERLAND | Wednesday, 22 Sep 2010 | Views [673]

A bunch of friends, we said. So let's see WHO's WHO: Madeleine & Bjorn, Swedish, they live and work in Zurich. Madeleine collects 4000 peaks, Bjorn takes it easy. Francesca & Filippo: both Italians, also living and working around Zurich. When ... Read more >

Tags: friends, fun

How it all began. Why Mustang?

NEPAL | Tuesday, 21 Sep 2010 | Views [1635]

Why Mustang? Well.. why not? :) To be honest, Mustang has been a dream of mine since I heard a photographer and friend talking about his expedition in the region, something he did way back in the seventies. The area was still close to ... Read more >

Tags: art, caves, mustang, nepal, trekking

Photos: Training for the trekking

WORLDWIDE | Tuesday, 21 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

We are serious Alpinists, or well.. almost. So because we're going to spend some weeks above 4000 mt. and then climb a peak of 6000-something-mt, we decided to undergo some training.
See all 10 photos >>

Tags: alpinism, food, ice climbing, mountain