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Adventures in South America


BOLIVIA | Sunday, 17 Feb 2013 | Views [442]

I never thought in my wildest dreams I would go to a Carnival.  Much less one as crazy as this one.  Our journey there was just so…Bolivian.  Of course I met up with Wendy (Bolivian girl I met through Oliver’s) over an ... Read more >

Photos: oruro carnival 2013

BOLIVIA | Sunday, 17 Feb 2013 | Photo Gallery

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i found paradise

COLOMBIA | Friday, 7 Dec 2012 | Views [475]

well i made it to cartagena, and its beautiful.  but really really hot.  lots of fruits being sold on the street and yummy cold limade.   my first meal was incredible, pork medallions with roasted red peppers and parmesan cheese, ... Read more >

so much to update

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 4 Dec 2012 | Views [317]

  sorata adventure valle de los animas end of the year celebration at Huascar Cajias and volunteer plan bogota cartagena

time is flying by

BOLIVIA | Friday, 16 Nov 2012 | Views [456]

I did a few tourist things last week.  I visited Tiwanaku.  It is a set of ruins only 45 minutes outside of La Paz.  The Tiwanaku culture is even older than the Incans, as early as 1500 BC.  Mostly it was just of old rocks.  ... Read more >

a hectic week with the donors.

BOLIVIA | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [549]

http://airlineamb.org/index.html A group from Airline Ambassadors came to visit La Paz this week.  Paula, a long time friend of Dianne, was on her 19th trip down here.  Paula and her group support many of the projects Dianne is involved ... Read more >

choro trek and coroico

BOLIVIA | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [820]

this trip was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life.   day 1: Soraya takes forever to get out of the house! hahaha we finally get into an overpriced cab to villa fatima, and into a minivan on its way to coroico.  A very short ... Read more >

the last week or so

BOLIVIA | Friday, 12 Oct 2012 | Views [460]

I really like volunteering at the school for the blind.  It is so interesting and different.  I think it will be a great learning experience.  It has been awkward in the beginning but i think it will get better once the teachers and staff ... Read more >

The orgin of the sun

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2012 | Views [465]

"According to Incan lore, after a great flood, the god Viracocha arose from Lake Titicaca to  create the world . He commanded the sun (Inti), moon (Mama Kilya) and stars to rise, then went to Tiahuanaco to create the first human beings, Mallku ... Read more >

some things ive been doing

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 26 Sep 2012 | Views [478]

I need to write about: -frisbee game Ron took me to the french school in zona sur where the canadian ambassador was playing frisbee!  It was such a beautiful field, surrounded by mountains.  there were about 25 people, canadian bolivian and all sorts ... Read more >

Photos: walking tour by shoe shine crew

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 25 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

See all 26 photos >>

i miss the microwave

BOLIVIA | Sunday, 23 Sep 2012 | Views [545]

Saturday afternoon, doing work in bed.  Thats the only place the internet works! well i have spent what seems like an eternity trying to get this new printer to work.  Yesterday it printed a document and today...NOTHING.  its driving me insane.  using ... Read more >

I got sick

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 20 Sep 2012 | Views [443]

It was bound to happen, I got sick.  My guess is, just like your first year teaching, the kids expose you to thousands and millions of new germs.  Monday afternoon it just took over.  So I have been in bed ever since with swollen glands, stuffed nose ... Read more >

Photos: Street Art

BOLIVIA | Monday, 17 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

the beautiful, strange, and amazing street art of south america!
See all 9 photos >>

More work to be done!

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 15 Sep 2012 | Views [533]

This morning I had a meeting with Dianne and two young ladies who work for an awesome organization.  I will be joining them on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings to visit homes of disabled children and even some adults.  They help the families with how to ... Read more >

Photos: jungle adventure 1

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 12 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

coroico and caranavi
See all 26 photos >>

Photos: The begining

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 12 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

a few photos from the begining of my trip
See all 15 photos >>

a very odd jungle adventure

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 12 Sep 2012 | Views [469]

I was supposed to go with dianne and ron to test out the water pump I brought down on sunday.  Its sunday morning, and Dianne isn't coming and Ron doesn't bring the pump. So elaine, rodrigo, ron and myself head off in a van to Coroico, a tourist destination ... Read more >

boring rant

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 11 Sep 2012 | Views [463]

How does one stay humble?  This topic came up last night at dinner.  If you think to yourself, I am humble, isnt that a bit paradoxical?  How do I come to Bolivia without the self righteous attitude that I am here to show them what they do not know. ... Read more >

finding my purpose

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 6 Sep 2012 | Views [585] | Comments [1]

it was a good day.  I must have really needed the sleep becuase i was dead asleep until 11:30.  I met dianne and ron (for those of you who dont know, dianne set me up with this gig and ron is her extrodinary hippy hydropower for the people husband) ... Read more >

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