When I heard there was a Walmart in Wuhan, I knew I had to take a look. I have seen McD's in lots of cities (in Wuhan too) and they are all the same. Even knowing this, I didn't imagine that the big American discount chain could do the same. I was wrong.
I spent 30minutes roaming the aisles there. It has a similar feel as in the U.S. Pricing is similar in that it usually ends with the number 9 and the signs with the yellow smile faces are the same. Obviously the prices themselves are lower in China. Products are similar. The wide aisels, the colors, everything was familiar.
I guess the only difference were the announcements over the PA system. They were in Chinese but I am assuming they were saying something about a blue light special. . .or is that at Kmart. . . anyway, you get the drift.