these are so inexpensive! and when my student bargained for me, the price went even lower--from cheap to dirt cheap in a 15 second exchange of words.
I bought American TV shows. I can easily rent dvds in Rome but not the TV shows, just movies. I can't wait til I get home to lounge on the sofa as I hear Will & Grace with their real voices.
DVDs are sold on the street in packets with 3 or 4 seasons in one package. I actually bought 8 seasons (in one package) of Will and Grace which was on just 5 dvds. That cost me 20 rmb which is equal to $3/€2! Yes, you read that correctly. Granted, the quality isn't the best but American humour is in the witty dialogue. For 3 bucks, I'll squint a little;)
Some nights ago when I was holed up in my room, staying close to the bathroom and missing out on a banquet organized by the Chinese English teachers, I consoled myself by ripping open "Ugly Betty" and popping it into my laptop.
In between "runs" to the bathroom, I watched almost 2 seasons of it before I realized the time. I also realized that I better buy some more dvds if I am going to end up watching them all here in between my bouts of "Mao's revenge."