China is not what I expected. Wuhan and Beijing are just like any other metropolitan cities in North America but with a lot more neon lighting. There are tons of shopping malls with all the same products you'll find in the U.S.
A few nights ago I wondered around an upscale air conditioned mall. For a while, I forgot where I was until a sales clerk spoke to me in Chinese and pulled me out of my trance. I assumed she asked if I needed help as I eyed the luxurious sheets and duvet covers. I don't like mall shopping (and the prices that go with it) in the States and now I can say the same thing for China. I really do like that air conditioning, though.
After leaving the mall, I walked along a main street which is lined with shops on both sides. That is more my style—hunting for a bargain. Oddly enough, I had money to spend but found nothing I wanted to buy. Don't misunderstand. There were tons of stores but nothing caught my eye until I walked into an optical shop. I bought a pair of prescription glasses which set me back 12 E or $17. Did I mention that things are inexpensive? Yes, things are cheap when you are converting to US dollars and they are bargain basement when converting into Euro. Hurrah! I finally have the right currency at the right time. ( I mean Euro, now)
I decided to end the eve by treating myself to Pizza Hut which is considered pricey. But as soon as I was told there would be a 20 minute wait, I thought, no way am I waiting for this when I can go around the corner and spend 2 euro on dumplings.