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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "wildlife".

Destination Kenya

KENYA | Monday, 6 Jan 2014 | Views [1038]

After months of hot, humid weather, the evening and early morning chill of Nairobi is quite a surprise. Sitting on the terrace of my friend's home in the suburb of Langata, I have had to find an extra top to keep warm. The morning sun is steadily climbing ... Read more >

Tags: conservation, gameparks, holiday, insecurity, kenya, nairobi, safari, stunning beaches, westgate, wildlife

Destination South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA | Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013 | Views [982]

All too soon 3 months have passed and I am preparing to leave South Africa later today. Without doubt, this has been the trip of a lifetime and whilst I still have another 9 months of travelling ahead of me, the South Africa part is going to be very ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, backpacking, beaches, fantastic, game viewing, holiday, safari, south africa, volunteer, wildlife

First Day of Adventure

SOUTH AFRICA | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013 | Views [826] | Comments [4]

Bambelela, a wildlife and vervet monkey rehabilitation centre is situated, well quite frankly, in the middle of nowhere! The “metropolis” of Bela Bela is about 40 mins of dirt track, past Leopard’s Rock and forever around the next corner ... Read more >

Tags: africa, bambelela, bush, monkeys, south africa, thunderstorms, volunteering, wildlife

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