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There are [0] photos and [5] stories tagged with "kenya".

Destination Kenya

KENYA | Monday, 6 Jan 2014 | Views [1046]

After months of hot, humid weather, the evening and early morning chill of Nairobi is quite a surprise. Sitting on the terrace of my friend's home in the suburb of Langata, I have had to find an extra top to keep warm. The morning sun is steadily climbing ... Read more >

Tags: conservation, gameparks, holiday, insecurity, kenya, nairobi, safari, stunning beaches, westgate, wildlife

New Year's Eve in Watamu

KENYA | Friday, 3 Jan 2014 | Views [2697]

New Years Eve is an all-inclusive event at the Turtle Bay Hotel and fairly fully subscribed despite the £70 adult admission price. The buffet is massive and I can't begin to imagine the amount of work and stress that goes on behind the scenes to ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, kenya, malindi, nairobi, new years eve, traffic, turtle bay hotel, voi, watamu

Happy New Year from the Kenyan Coast

KENYA | Tuesday, 31 Dec 2013 | Views [996]

The last day of 2013 brings with it another perfect blue sky and a cooling breeze that blows off the sea and over the warm soft sands. Coconut palm fronds sway, rustling over our heads. The tide is out and sitting at Rosada in Malindi we watch people ... Read more >

Tags: kenya, new years eve, turtle bay, watamu. malindi

Christmas time in Malindi

KENYA | Saturday, 28 Dec 2013 | Views [1872]

Everything seems so much more powerful here after the gentle nature of Asia. Bolder, brighter, bigger. It comes as a surprise that fitting back into life here requires some adjustment. I suppose I had assumed that I would automatically feel at home. ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, driftwood club, halwa, kenya, malindi, shopping, snorkelling, souvenirs, watamu

Kenyan Karibu

KENYA | Sunday, 22 Dec 2013 | Views [887]

I mentioned that Kenya was not on my original itinerary but what is a 20,000km detour when it provides the opportunity to return to your teenage homeland and spend the holiday season with friends who I count as my extended family. All that is missing ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, childhood home, coast, etihad, home, kenya, malindi, memories, von blixen, welcome

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