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360 Days of Adventure...continues A journey of a thousand miles must start with a single step. I aim to make each step a worthy part of my journey. Click the title above and join me ...


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "adventure".

The Travel Bug

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 14 May 2013 | Views [1289] | Comments [1]

I gaze down at the opal ring I felt so drawn to buy in Adelaide. As the sunlight catches upon each of the 8 small stones, the light refracts colours which change from greens, to blues, milky whites and fiery reds. I realise this closely reflects this ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, australia, backpacking, inspiration, itinerary, opals, philosophy, travel, travel buds

Destination South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA | Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013 | Views [982]

All too soon 3 months have passed and I am preparing to leave South Africa later today. Without doubt, this has been the trip of a lifetime and whilst I still have another 9 months of travelling ahead of me, the South Africa part is going to be very ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, backpacking, beaches, fantastic, game viewing, holiday, safari, south africa, volunteer, wildlife

On Board BA57

SOUTH AFRICA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2013 | Views [1087] | Comments [4]

Finally the string of tomorrows that have dictated my life over the last few weeks have become today! Goodbyes were hard, really hard. Suddenly its not just words - rattling off an itinerary that has become something of a mantra during the most difficult ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, career break, solo travel, south africa, turbulence

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