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360 Days of Adventure...continues A journey of a thousand miles must start with a single step. I aim to make each step a worthy part of my journey. Click the title above and join me ...


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "career break".

Summarising a Year on The Road

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 21 Jan 2014 | Views [1048] | Comments [2]

I'm trying to remember that person who set out to follow her dream over fifty weeks ago. The one who decided that if you were not happy with your life, it made sense to do something about it by getting rid of unwanted encumbrances and make a fresh ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, blogs, career break, gap year, travelling, useful items

On Board BA57

SOUTH AFRICA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2013 | Views [1087] | Comments [4]

Finally the string of tomorrows that have dictated my life over the last few weeks have become today! Goodbyes were hard, really hard. Suddenly its not just words - rattling off an itinerary that has become something of a mantra during the most difficult ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, career break, solo travel, south africa, turbulence

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