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Tales from the Scrapbook! This journal is mainly to post some photos of my travels.

Trip: April/May 2007

There are [15] stories from my trip: April/May 2007

Gallery: Ecuador

ECUADOR | Monday, 4 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 86 photos >>

Gallery: Peru

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

Here's some shots from around Peru
See all 157 photos >>

Gallery: Miami

USA | Sunday, 27 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

Here's some shots from Miami
See all 18 photos >>

Gallery: New York

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 25 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

Here are some pics from New York, a great place!
See all 30 photos >>

Gallery: The Carribean

GRENADA | Friday, 25 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

Here are a few shots from our time in Grenada for the Cricket World Cup
See all 20 photos >>

Galapagos Islands

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 22 May 2007 | Views [583]

Spent four nights on a boat fanging around the Galapagos Islands. I'm glad that I've been there but I didn't get as breathtaken by them as some of the other punters on our tour. The islands were pretty barren, but the wildlife was good. Highlights were ... Read more >

Tags: Galapagos Islands


ECUADOR | Monday, 21 May 2007 | Views [570]

I reckon Quito was the most impressive of the cities that we saw in South America - the old-town is a World Heritage area. Highlights here would be lurking around the Equator, riding on the trolley-buses, avoiding shoe shiners, and eating at some awesome ... Read more >

Tags: Ecuador


PERU | Sunday, 29 Apr 2007 | Views [584]

Peru was a lot better than I was expecting - Lima wasn't as dodgy as I'd read about, and the shopping was very decent. Food was great apart from the guinea pig which looked very ordinary. Lake Titicaca well worth a visit, Cuzco a pretty cool place, Inca ... Read more >

Tags: Peru

Gallery: Chile

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 27 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

Here are some shots from Santiago and Valaparaiso/Vina Del Mar
See all 20 photos >>


CHILE | Thursday, 26 Apr 2007 | Views [606]

Spent four days in Chile, three of which were in Santiago and 1 on the coast at Valparaiso and Vina Del Mar. Santiago would have to rival Bangkok as the most polluted city I've ever been to, but there's quite a bit to see around the place. Kano likened ... Read more >

Tags: Chile


USA | Monday, 23 Apr 2007 | Views [621]

I didn't have high hopes that I'd enjoy Miami as I thought it would be full of old, over-weight, stuck-up, sunburnt Americans. While that did turn out to be the case, I did actually enjoy my time here. It really is the place to be seen - image is everything! ... Read more >

Tags: Miami


GRENADA | Saturday, 21 Apr 2007 | Views [472]

Spent two weeks in Grenada watching the World Cup Cricket. The matches were pretty ordinary, but it was good to see Australia play well. Highlights during our time on the island were waterfall jumping, snorkelling, riding on the Reggae Buses, meeting ... Read more >

Tags: Grenada

New York

USA | Monday, 9 Apr 2007 | Views [656]

The week we spent in New York was pretty full on, although we didn't realise it'd be as cold as it was (hence why there are so many photos of me wearing my one jumper that I brought with me)! Highlights were Empire State, Rockerfeller Centre, Times Square ... Read more >

Tags: New York

Lead up to my trip!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 28 Mar 2007 | Views [486]

Headed to Hartz National Park on Saturday which was great. It was a good chance to test out the bushwalking boots before the Inca Trail. Jazza, Kristy and I completed the 4hr walk in 2.5hrs and it was good fun (despite the snow storm on the way back ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Hartz Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 28 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

Bushwalk in Tas - March 24, 25
See all 5 photos >>