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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "scams".

I volunteered for the wolf’s den

INDIA | Thursday, 26 Jun 2008 | Views [2120]

The two men jumped out of thin air, smiling, gesturing, waving an exotic smell under my nose, and I was hooked. I had a list of ‘musts’ to experience in India. Some call this being a tourist. I’m going to see something I’ve heard about, ... Read more >

Tags: scams, t a j

"Go and tell your people about it"

INDIA | Tuesday, 25 Mar 2008 | Views [1345] | Comments [2]

‘Do not give beggar’s money. You are their biggest problem.’ As soon as I saw the sign, I walked right into the shop. The man behind the desk looked tough. He was a Sikh. (tell tale signs of turban, silver bracelet, beard) With my most ... Read more >

Tags: beggars, children, india, scams

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