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The land (and sometimes the bookstore) talking

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [2467] | Comments [2]

Spiritual drivil - if you don't dig it, skip to the next story


I practised yoga at sunrise at Leliyn, at the base of the deep pool. There was a dark heaviness in the water, but it threw the lightness of the clean air into relief. The sun was going to appear in the deep of the ridge of the two sides of the gorge. The air was a pure line of energy to the approaching sun.

I was directed to practise mountain pose and extended mountain pose. My crown chakra was energised and the length of my spine. Usually I practice Qigong later in the day, often at evening, but this time, I felt the urge to do a wide variety of Qigong breathing exercises, especially emphasising the balance of opposites.

Up above the deep pool of Leliyn, on the walk to the upper waterfalls, the land is decorated with pretty coloured rocks and a soft light, even in the heat of the day. A gentle breeze accompanies our walk.

I hear some women laughing as we get closer to the pools. They tell me it’s a woman’s area, and for small children. But they are not offended that Albert is along. They just laugh.

I see signs on the way. They tell me to follow a different path. I listen a few times, but Albert and Jett are on the designated path and I don’t want to lose them. They want me to go slower, but we are in the heat of the day, and Jett is tired. I compromise. I take a few detours and pause over some rocks and bent trees.

It’s a softly enchanting place, and full of good things. It leads to the ‘safe’ rock pools. I hear them saying that some places I can’t swim, but I’m not sure. I only swim where I feel for sure, they say, its ok for me.

(I also know, that if other people swim there, nothing ‘bad’ will happen to them. But if I don’t listen to my ‘inner voice’, then I go against the red light, and put myself in danger.

Karlwu Karlwu

The land tells me where to walk. Albert asked me to explain what I mean. Its like the land becomes highlighted. It seems ‘obvious’ that this is the way to walk. The other options are in shadow, in comparison.

The land says its not about the looks of the place. Forget the looks. Its about the feel of the place. A feeling you get when you are in between the rocks. The energy that is special.

Be one with the land. Put the dirt on your body. Wipe in on your face. Dig a little underneath, then find the ‘clean’ dirt under… use it to be one with the earth.

Be the land. Be each animal. Be each pose in play in action in mind. Learn to be one.

I practiced some yoga poses, and it told me that the poses are to be fully explored. They are means to experience ‘oneness’. When you practice with each pose, there will be one that ‘works’ for you. It will act like a bridge to the other world. This is the pose you need to highlight. Do the others. But keep the one that is your key, sacred.

In a Chinese Cemetery in Cloncurry

I practiced induced chi flow. Sometimes it helps me to feel a place. To hear what the land says.

I felt pain across my shoulders and heaviness in my right arm. They said, anything you need to know is in the water supply. Its in the river beds. In the root system of the trees.

In a Catholic Church in Cloncurry

I was sitting at the front, relaxing, in meditation, and I heard ‘Jesus▪ is everywhere. He is here if you call, but you don’t have to come to church to find him.’ Then I was specifically told not to let another person bless me in any way, unless otherwise told.

▪I started practicing a type of ‘guru yoga’, where one invokes an image of a great teacher to help contact the universal consciousness. When I thought of different teachers that I am aware of, I felt most comfortable with Jesus.

Spencer and Murphy Booksellers

We were walking around the little town of Yungaburra when we paused outside one of the pretty houses. It was a book store and living quarters combined. I paused before entering. A bookstore is a big time stealer for all of us. Did we have an hour up our sleeve? Indeed we did.

Immediately I sensed a warm overwhelming peaceful presence. What else to say? It permeated the entire area. I walked very slowly and as my ‘ordinary’ sense came back to me (like sight and sound), I saw indications of Buddhist influences in the décor. There were Tibetan prayer flags, Buddhist figures and a cleansing lemon scented oil being burnt. I could also hear the sound of an espresso machine.

I’m in the beginning of a transformative way of dealing with the world. As I develop a stronger confidence in myself as me, and as I release my feelings of inadequacy to live up to the social models, I open up choices of my reality. I have been asking for help and direction, and I was lead over to a book shelf. The book would be there. There were two books for me there. One to help in this objective reality and one to help me in my understanding of what happens to me in my subjective reality.

Albert and Jett played chess. I browsed the books. It was an amazing and powerful experience and one that has given me a lot of help and a new direction for my thoughts.

Barron Gorge National Park, Kuranda

The Djabugay people say the great serpent carved the gorge in the dreamtime. It’s a powerful place, echoing with the remnants of a strong geographical occurrence. It was highly charged, and we read that there was also a hydro company utilizing the water’s course. I didn’t hear any messages. I just felt a huge pulsation of energy. Enough to charge the top of my head (crown).

Tags: allwelcome, ambassador van, on the road, qigong, spiritual, yoga



Thank you for your willingness to express your vulnerability. I agree with the Jesus statement - He really is everywhere. I recommend tapping in to the Holy Spirit - He is very good at direction and peace.
You're me mate.

  Katrine May 30, 2008 8:25 PM



  allwelcome Jun 2, 2008 5:59 PM

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