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I wanna go Florida Stories and adventures from Around the World

Fun stuff we heard or saw or thought about along the way

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 21 April 2008 | Views [957]

amazing dragonfly landing in tiffany's hand

amazing dragonfly landing in tiffany's hand

Brisbane Airport - ‘Mum, please don’t cackle. Its unnerving.’

Brisbane Airport (about our plane and slight delay) – ‘Your plane has an engineering problem’ (ha! Good one!!! Yeah, right! Are they actually allowed to say that??? As a legitimate excuse for lateness? Why can’t they white lie a little bit. ‘Sorry, but Captain Smith’s manicure is still in progress, your flight will be 30 minutes delayed’. I’d be prefer that.

On the road from Litchfield to Darwin, bumper sticker ‘I live with FEAR, sometimes she lets me go fishing.’

Pros and Cons of a 4 wheel drive

We’ve taken into account that we are indecisive people, and even though you CAN go to many different places, and often with free camping facilities in remote and unspoilt areas, we think our 2 wheel drive is a better deal for us.

Namely because we have too many things to see anyway. So if we are limited by our two wheel drive, to keep to sealed roads, and half the amount of choice, it suits us rather well. Handy Tip – if you, or your partner, is particularly indecisive in these matters, or wants to see EVERYTHING (and you don’t), we suggest you opt for a vehicle choice that naturally makes your decision making process easier.

Pros and Cons of keeping to a low budget

This out back, hardly showering, sweating-a-lot-life is tough. (written after 5 days on the road) But it makes the simple things in life appear as golden moments. Sipping cold water is a moment to be cherished. Jett has even sung a song to the water bottle after a particularly long hike back to the ambassador van and its effective little fridge.

A BBQ meal is equal to anything you’ve tasted. Even if you’ve forgotten the salt.

Kindness! When you’re feeling hot and tired, and someone else makes the dinner! Fantastic!

A shower!!

And the swig of a beer! Who would ever have believed it to be true? I’ve hated beer for the first 33 years of my life. And here I am, asking Albert if we can crack one open. Refreshing! Hits the spot. Slams down fast. All that stuff. (or was that a solo ad?)

On the road in Kakadu - A Canadian bicycle rider! Cool!!

Bertie’s Battle with the Batteries

(… the saga continues…)

I’m not sure this counts as ‘fun stuff’, but I can’t make up another category for ‘Bertie’s irritating stuff’, or, actually, I could, since there are quite a number noteworthy items I’d love to recount, but some other time. Like all good story tellers, I like to get to the point in a round about kind of way.

It starts with our camera. Albert bought, in Norway, a battery recharger, for batteries for his compulsive photo mania. They worked ok for about three months, and ever since, we’ve had ‘problems’. They seem to be fully charged, but when we take them on excursion, they turn out to last only a few snaps. Albert invariably says ‘but they should be charged.’ Tiffany says, ‘but they aren’t.’

And this has continued without pause for the past 6 months, with Albert in ‘should’ mentality and Tiffany reiterating the ‘err, why don’t’ you have a back up plan for the batteries Bertie?’ slogan.

Finally, much to Tiffany’s relief, Albert buckled to the power of common sense, and purchased a new charger and batteries. We hoped it would be the end of our battery bamboozlement.


‘Redeu, collons, mecagun!!!’ Words I’ve come to associate with ‘oh, damn! The batteries are not working again!’

The charger has a poor connection point, and the batteries, when finally charged, don’t even open the camera.


Wish us better luck in the next clash of the donkey against the batteries.

Our favourite live stuff (most can be verified in amateur photos)

Tadpoles (in Nitmiluk)

Rock wallaby and joey (in Litchfield)

Lizard (in Nitmiluk)

Colourful grasshopper (in Nitmiluk)

Long necked turtle (entrance to the wetlands)

A real life dingo! (Kakadu)

Quoll (Litchfield)

Dragonflies (especially in Litchfield and Kakadu – not so many in Nitmiluk)

White bellied eagle

Rainbow bird (something Jett saw and we haven’t been able to identify it yet)

Tags: allwelcome, ambassador van, humour, on the road, t a j

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