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Sweet as Bro... "Sweet as": Second most common phrase in New Zealand after "awesome". Said when someting is rather good instead of just "good" or "OK". Often followed by "bro".

New Zealand

There are [122] photos and [22] stories about New Zealand

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flies fly as time flies

Friday, 4 Jul 2008 | Views [1143] | Comments [1]

it's crazy. when you first move to a new country you have this huge amount of time stretched out before you, everything is new and exciting and you think you have heaps of time to do everything you want. you spend money like hell just to have a good ... Read more >

Tags: goodbye


Saturday, 31 May 2008 | Views [700] | Comments [1]

it is done: i changed my flights. i am so excited! i will leave new zealand on the 7th of july, going to sydney. leaving sydney the 11th of july, flying to bangkok. then: 3.5 weeks in thailand!!! that means, i'll be back in germany the 6th of august.... Read more >

Tags: travel

contemporary maori?!

Friday, 23 May 2008 | Views [1571]

except for our greeting on my first day at university and our trip to the pacific islands festival in auckland i didn't really experience the maori culture. although it is all around me. the uni stands on grounds that belong to a maori tribe, every sign ... Read more >

Tags: culture, university

Gallery: maori experiences

Friday, 23 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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the 3-months-crisis

Monday, 19 May 2008 | Views [1258] | Comments [1]

it is true, it does exist: the fullblown crisis after 3 months. i had it in ireland, but i hoped i could survive new zealand without it. apparently not. my mood right now: everything sucks. it actually is nothing in particular, i just notice that ... Read more >

Tags: lost!

random catch-up!

Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [686]

i am sorry, i didn't keep up with this blog, but there was just too much going on and i didn't have time for anything. yesterday i finally handed in my last assignment for the next three weeks, deep beath. i also sorted out my practicum. of course ... Read more >

Tags: life, university

2 girls plus 2 backpacks minus a plan going around the south island

Saturday, 19 Apr 2008 | Views [898]

ok, just quickly: i am on the south island right now, and it's awesome! jenny and i took the nightbus to wellington on sunday, crossed the cook strait on monday together with a bunch of cattle and then hitched (sorry, parents...) from picton to dunedin ... Read more >

Tags: friends, travel

Gallery: northland

Wednesday, 26 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

Ahipara, Kaitaia, Shipwreck Bay, 90 Mile Beach, Cape Reinga, Spirits Bay, Doubtless Bay, Taipa, Mangonui, Matauri Bay, Paihia, Waitangi, Kerikeri, Kawakawa, ...
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"pardon?" - "...nothing."

Wednesday, 26 Mar 2008 | Views [1228]

this easter weekend jenny and i had an awesome time going to the northland. kingston, our nearly-flatmate, took us up with him and we stayed at his parents house. they own a farm in ahipara, very close to 90 mile beach. standing on the deck you could ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine, life

in da hood

Monday, 17 Mar 2008 | Views [1768]

well, i actually don't know how describe what i experienced this weekend. we made a trip to auckland, but a very special one. we (that's jamie, maike, jenny, mo and i) started friday noon from hamilton, te rapa road. right, we hitched up to auckland.... Read more >

Tags: culture, life

"the art of dieing well"

Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [964]

this pretty much describes my day. i was confronted with death not only once, not only twice, but three times today. it started off with the police knocking on the door (omg, are they gonna raid our house for marihuana...?) and ask us if we had seen ... Read more >

Tags: life, university

mango power!

Tuesday, 11 Mar 2008 | Views [791]

omg, it's sooooo true! once u tried mangos here, u'll never wanna eat that shite again u get in tschöööörmänie (germany)! red and yellow on the outside (not green!) and soft and juicy and tasty inside... omg, what a heavenly taste...   wanna have ... Read more >

Tags: food & eating, life

Gallery: raglan

Saturday, 8 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Saturday, 8 Mar 2008 | Views [932]

this is it: party outside, i'm in my room pretending to study (obviously...). remi, our new french flatmate is turning 26 tomorrow, so they're getting drunk at the moment, 3 different music styles blasting out of 3 different rooms, doors are all open ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine

mount maunganui beach

Sunday, 2 Mar 2008 | Views [967]

i should be reading sth about the anne hutchinson trial in 1637 now, but nevermind. my thoughts keep drifting away the whole time, it's no use. actually i'm hungry, but the fridge is empty and i'm too lazy to walk the 5 minutes to the dairy and buy ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine, friends, sightseeing

buzzing flies...

Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Views [736]

i am sitting in my room right now, flies buzzing around my head. i don't know why there are so many of them in nz. they are everywhere, totally annoying. yesterday at the kebab place they had a lamp that kills flies when they fly against it. the sound ... Read more >

Tags: life

rugby+flatwarming=gr8 day...

Sunday, 24 Feb 2008 | Views [729]

nz is just amazing. we missed the last bus (at 5 pm - imagine...) and tried to get a cab (like 30 other people who wanted to go to the rugby match) and somehow we ended up getting a free ride on a uni bus who took people from bryant hall (student dorm ... Read more >

Tags: friends, life

Gallery: first days at versity

Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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"syphilis is coming down from auckland"

Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Views [934] | Comments [2]

it's half past nine, i am finally sitting in my bare room, feeling a bit lost and tired actually. at least the internet works, so i can keep myself busy and don't give in to my first night here in my new home. today was orientation day for international ... Read more >

Tags: university


Tuesday, 19 Feb 2008 | Views [766]

forget what i wrote this morning, it's all gone (sun is even shining): I got a room!!! in a flat together with 6 other ppl, 4 girls and 2 guys. flat's not the tidiest or nicest, but very close to uni and very cheap. just 75 NZ$ per week plus ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, life

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