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Cameron Highlands

MALAYSIA | Monday, 30 July 2012 | Views [602]

Morning calls-.-

Yeah next day, next busdrive, to the Cameron highlands. Right now I am sitting on the terrace of my hostel, which is really cheap and really cute, if you don´t expect any cleanness. It´s called Daniels Traveller Lodge and is in Tanah Rata, a small village in the middle of the jungle.

It´s not as warm here than in KL, which is quite nice. And the place just gives of a special feeling, so who cares about a bit of dirt and also for 5 Euro, what do you expect?^^

I slept the whole busdrive and than I went shopping, some snacks for tomorrow, I am going to go to a tour and got some fried rice to eat. Also I bought sport pants for just about 4 euro and they are sooooo comfortable, can´t wait to try them on my trip tomorrow.

They only thing I am kinda sad about is that I won´t be able to go to the mossy forest, which really would have been nice, it´s the oldest rainforest of the world, but at least I see the smelly flower tomorrow :P

So today I am just going to relax a bit and enjoy the scenery....more later...

Well I really just was sitting in my room and outside the whole day and can you believe it? I was actually freezing...It was so cold. In the evening I went into our Jungle Bar, cheap beer and a quite nice surrounding. Talked to some American and a English guy and got to know a bit more about everything there. Wish I could stay longer in the Highlands it´s so lovely here.

Next morning...

Now a bit more. We started a trek through the jungle at 9 o´clock. Well the car we were driving in sounded like it would be breaking apart every second, but still better than the Jeep we had to take afterwards over a really very bumpy road. Wow that´s what you call off-road driving, kinda scary...

We started walking and I was literally dying after 10 minutes, but I was not alone, our guide was basically running away. We couldn´t even look left or right, just straight ahead, otherwise we would have lost him. After some time we came to a tiny river, but we had to climb down and on the otherside up again, so afterwards we were all kinda a bit muddy. At the little waterfall we took a break and relaxed a bit, but nobody dared to jump in, which was really sad, because I would have loved to, but just not alone-.-

And no nobody ended up with a leech or anything weird.

Finally we came to the Rafflesia, which is actually a mushroom not a flower and it blooms for 7 days and just starts stinking afterwards, so it didn´t smell yet. We headed back, finally a bit smaller and went to a aboriginal village, for a blowpipe demonstration and guys I got the hang of it :P I hit the bullseye on the first try, exactly the middle. Beware Germany, I am going to buy one, the next time when I don´t have to come back to Singapore(they are forbidden there) Those things are really funny :P

Now did you know that the aboriginal people here eat monkeys, those poor little things were in a tiny cage and basically had to wait there till they end up in the pot =/

So and after that, guess what came...I wasn´t really hungry anymore...

We went to eat and wanna guess what kind of place? Indian ! Again-.- I am sorry I am just not to fond of Indian Food, and all tours stop there.

So I just ordered some fried rice.

We than went to the tea plantation and wow this was so far my favourite place, it is absolutely stunning. So nice and peaceful. We even could lie down on them and hey with a blanket it would have been really nice place to sleep. Nice bouncy :P

So after taking fun pictures, sitting on a tractor, standing on top of a jeep and just other stupid stuff we went to our next station, the butterfly farm. Which was oh well kinda...well let´s say it like this, the reptiles were awesome, the butterflies mostly dead xD

I had a gecko on my arm and well no they don´t just stick, when he was walking he was literately tearing parts of my skin of, so I had white dots on my arm, where it walked on. But seems like I was the only one with this problem.

Also I carried a turtle, which I just didn´t want to give back, because it was so cute.

And I dared to take one of the snakes, well a harmless one, but still, it looked really mean, all green, but it was tiny.

And the butterflies like I said, most were already lying on the ground or even stepped on. Ok not most but quite a few.

Also we went to a Strawberry place, was quite interesting how they grow them in plastic bags, but I have to say I had sweeter once and I really prefer the self plucking in Germany, because there I can eat for free, here I had to pay xD

After a lovely day, we headed back and guess what? I forgot my jacket in the van, but no worries I got it back. In the evening our group went out for steamboat, well or hotpot, however you want to call it.

Ohh I so love this food. It was really yummy and we all had a blast trying to catch the best pieces from each other or getting the tofu out with chopsticks. Also it was quite nice to talk with them. The girls from the Netherlands were really funny, and the older English/French couple too. Also a guy from England, who just stopped working and went of with 10 000 pounds to see the world and to see how long he could last.

I really love this hostel life, you meet so many people, from all over the world, talk to them, go out with them and everybody just accepts each other.

You get tips and no matter how different you are at home, abroad you all sit in the same boat.

I found my favourite way to travel. It´s like a huge adventure.

So after a last beer I went to bed and headed of in the morning to the next place. Would have loved to stay a bit longer, but time is not really on my side.

So a little fazit to the Cameron Highlands, it is an absolute lovely place, you are sick of cities and just want peace and nature for miles over miles, that´s your place to go. You wake up with birds singing and go to bed with it. Lots of hikes and it´s not to hot, so you actually can relax a bit and are not as tired. I would recommend this place to everybody.

Tags: tea plantation, walks

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