Well I´ve been lazzy this last days, but I was bored, which means nothing important happend to write about. I had my free days, which kinda sucked, because it means I had nothing to do and was just stying in my room.
Well and I went to Stiring, but Stirling is kinda boring allone and so I didn´t stay long there. Well yesterday I remodeled my living area. I post a picture soon.
But today I had work, well if you could call that work. We had breakfast and another Co-Worker and me went for a walk with one of the residents, well we walked around the lake and the whole ground was muddy, because of the rain, so there were this huge puddles of mud, and now way around. So now my shows are really dirty, like my other two pairs of shoes, seems like I have to wash them tomorrow-.-
Well after lunch we went to the movies and watched Mr. Popper, well the movie with the penguins, I don´t like the actor(jim carrie) very much, but I have to say the movie was hilarious. Really good, and by the way I want a Penguin toooooooooo =)
After Dinner we went to the Safari Park, to the Playground. Ohh everybody who knows me knows now that I definitly had fun there =)
Well what else is new, let me think....ohh yeah some people asked me for the way, because the thought I´d be a local"because of the red hair" well thanks xD
Ohh and I got a children ticket for the bus. Do I look that young? Really? But well I didn´t say anything, because that way I just had to pay half of the original price ;)
Ok, that´s enough for today, you see, right now my life is a bit boring =)